Where is my ubiquity?

Jim questions the lack of last mile broadband infrastructure and learn to stop and smell the flowers instead of getting upset when too many trees severs his internet connection while traveling full-time in his RV.

Beware of Moose

Beware of Moose when driving New England Roads. RV and Auto collisions with moose cause severe damage and injuries. Readers share their stories and photos.

But Can We Stand the Weather?

We’ve traveled many miles searching for our ideal community. A few times, we thought we might have found it. But . . . The thought of moving into a small town is nice, but few have the diversity that we feel makes life more interesting. We crave the solitude of 40 acres in the sticks, but fear we might go nuts being so isolated. And …

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Minnesota Milk Shake Goodness

I know what you’re thinking … This long on the road and you haven’t reviewed any ice cream joints! So that may not actually be what’s on your mind, but for the record, no parlour has yet been worthy. OK, the real truth is, we haven’t gone out for ice cream since we’ve been keeping some on hand in our RV fridge. After long days …

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