Tripawds Makeover Pronounced Success

My dad once told me a similar joke where an immigrant gave up on learning the English language after reading that headline. But yet again, I digress. Though I have said it before, whenever I go AWOL around here you can rest assured it has something to do with three legged dogs. This time was a big deal. I recently completed the long overdue Tripawds …

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Thinking of Dad

A tribute to fallen 1946 West Point cadet James C Nelson, Sr. with tips for how to find the obituaries of deceased USMA graduates.

The Fat Man in the BMW or the 4-Hour Workweek?

We all know the truth, yet how many of us avoid seeing it? Our lives go by too fast, and one day we’re left wondering, “what happened?” All those cool things we dreamed of when we were younger got put on the “someday” list while we we were being “responsible” workers or entrepreneurs, attempting to carve out a reputation (hopefully good), keep our heads above …

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EagleSat Delivers Superior MotoSat Support

Here’s a long overdue shout out to the fine folks at EagleSat. This small family-owned business in Longmont, CO serviced our MotoSat satellite internet system the last time we had problems. Which was apparently not the last time. At the time we had trouble locking on to our Satellite, with frequent motor stall errors. My usual multiple calls to MotoSat for support, and their routine …

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