Quick Cheap Fix for Leaky RV Shower
Jim shares a horror story about the leaky RV shower in the new rig, with a happy ending about the quick cheap fix and a lesson about jumping to conclusions.
Working the dream life for 17+ years.
All about life on the road full-time in our 24′ Arctic Fox fifth wheel trailer, from the beginning.
Jim shares a horror story about the leaky RV shower in the new rig, with a happy ending about the quick cheap fix and a lesson about jumping to conclusions.
We’re now enjoying hub and spoke travel just as planned, with our Project M camper and new travel trailer.
Wondering when to buy snow tires? Get them before you need them, and know when to take them off. Jim shares his experience with winter driving in Alaska.
Watch our How to Install a Bedrug video to keep dust and moisture out of a custom truck camper build, with photos and step by step instructions.
Before driving the Alaska Highway, RV internet access was a big concern. We even considered getting Starlink, but here’s why I’m glad we didn’t cave in to fear.
TruckClaws traction bars are a safe and simple way to get any truck unstuck from mud, snow, sand, or ice – without risking your life!
See some excellent workamper resume examples and discover how not to find workamping jobs with some best and worst practices when looking for work on the road
After giving SmellyProof reusable storage bags a review, I believe I found the best RV storage bags for reusing and keeping odors away from bears and other critters..
One year after choosing Colorado as our full-time RVer residence, here’s how things turned out since making the move back into property ownership.
Use this cheap fix to repair landing gears in fifth wheel legs with inexpensive rebuild kit, and discover how it may be easier to replace the entire leg.
Learn how to fix fifth wheel legs and find right replacement parts with tips, photos, documentation, and user manual downloads.
Got a leaking wheel hub on your trailer? Find out why and follow these simple tips to fix it and get back on the road safely.
Jim shares simple tips for the easiest RV repair. Spoiler alert it is a quick replacement, with options for a cheap fix.
It was bound to happen some day. The dreaded Norcold refrigerator replacement job. Our Norcold 821 RV fridge died a couple of weeks ago when we were moochdocking in Northern California. And of course that beast left us scrambling for a fix, just as brutally hot temperatures started searing everyone and everything around us like eggs in a frying pan. We should have seen it …
Check out photos and links for out top five popular RV maintenance and repairs posts from 15+ years of full-time RVing.