When we head to Alaska in August, we’ll be driving at the peak time when bears are on the hunt for food to fatten up for winter. Thankfully, I think found the best RV storage bags to minimize odors in our Project M.

A few weeks ago, a rep from the SmellyProof reusable storage bags company contacted us to see if we wanted complimentary product samples. “What perfect timing!” I thought. That’s because traveling through bear country in a soft-sided truck topper was already making me a little nervous. Ok, it’s making me really nervous! Although the soft pop-up section of the Project M topper is pretty high off the ground, I’m sure that a determined bear can find a way inside the rig. So it’s up to us to do everything possible to make what’s inside less attractive, right?
I was already thinking about how we could minimize the odds of a bear visit on the way north, so a SmellyProof bags review just made sense.
Here’s Why I’m Loving the SmellyProof Reusable Storage Bags
As you can see, Jim and I recycle reclosable food storage bags as much as possible. They get washed, hung from the banana hammock in the kitchen, and then smooshed into our RV kitchen drawer until we need them again.

One of the biggest uses we have for reusable, reclosable food storage bags is in the refrigerator. Every one of the three Norcold RV refrigerators we’ve owned have caused produce to freeze. Even the new Norcold NA8LX refrigerator we installed last year!
I know, I know, install an RV refrigerator fan to move air around the fridge. But honestly, I’m lazy, and it’s just been easier to deal with it by wrapping fragile lettuce with dish towels. I also double bag some other types of produce. This usually does the trick.

When my introductory package of SmellyProof bags arrived, I was immediately impressed in three big ways:
- The thickness and durability of these odor-proof bags is way better than even brand name Ziploc freezer bags.
- When they say “odor-proof” they mean it. I stored cut onions inside the bags and couldn’t smell a thing once I sealed them shut.
- SmellyProof bags are also resistant against creases and punctures. I squeezed one as hard as I could and it hardly showed at all when I smoothed it out again.
But can SmellyProof bags protect produce inside our crappy RV refrigerator?
The first place I tested SmellyProof reusable storage bags was inside our refrigerator. I bravely placed some lettuce inside the bags, and set them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This is the coldest part of the fridge, as you know.
But when I took the bag of lettuce out the next day, they still looked great!

The two bags containing cut onion didn’t smell either. I was impressed. So yes, these bags do keep produce fresh inside the refrigerator.
SmellyProof Makes the Best RV Storage Bags for Camping, and Beyond!
The company also makes these solid black, odor-proof storage bags. They’re great for storing light-sensitive items, or anything that might attract someone to whatever you stash inside.
I’ve already washed a few of the bags, and they held up better than any Ziploc bag. It baffles me that the company can make any money selling a product that lasts so long. In a world where everything is so disposable and choking our planet with plastic garbage, this kind of product is really refreshing!
But perhaps the biggest benefit of a SmellyProof odor-proof bag is how it can keep critters away from your food and toiletries when you’re camping in bear country. This is the biggest takeaway, and bonus for me: I have lots more peace of mind knowing that we will carry and use the best RV storage bags on our way up to Alaska. If you’re camping anywhere near bears in the near future, I urge you to do the same.
I will probably get some before we leave gor Alaska next year. We did see vears too close for co.gort last time we went.
Re: “Although the soft pop-up section of the Project M topper is pretty high off the ground, I’m sure that a determined bear can find a way inside the rig.” Absolutely possible. My friend Pete and his wife were camping in the Sierras with a soft pop-up top camper mounted in the bed of their pickup. The soft part didn’t start until about 6 feet up above the bed of the truck. They went for a mountain bike ride. When they came back, there were THREE bear cubs inside their camper, all of whom had climbed up and clawed in. They had a dickens of a time getting the bears out, in almost nothing left of their interior after the bears left. Completely trashed.
Great review. Definitely going to buy.
Hi Ric! THAT is quite a nutty story! I’m going to remember that: “Note to self: put top down when leaving camper!” THANK YOU! And I hope you like the bags.