I posted a bunch of low points about the challenges of RVing to Alaska we encountered while traveling to the Last Frontier over the past few months. So it is only appropriate I wrap up this summer with some more enjoyable highlights from our Journey North.

Early on, our free boondocking spot at John Day Dam near Rufus, Oregon was one of my most favorite sites. Watching the tugs push huge barges through the tallest river navigation lock in the U.S. was exciting.
My next most memorable spot was the week we spent in Tumbler Ridge, BC where we first found ourselves getting deep into Bear Country.

That’s also where we had our first taste of poutine…and walked in the footprints of prehistoric giants.
Petersen Creek still remains one of my favorite spots.

This was the first place we really felt like we were on our way to Alaska.

Watson Lake, of course, called for the obligatory trip to the Signpost Forest where we left our (first) sign.
The Whitehorse Walmart makes the list, considering how many times we stayed there, while RVers still could. Shortly after our first stay there, was another one of my most favorite free boondocking spots.

Too bad we only stayed one night at Burwash Landing. Even more bad is what happened the next day. We won’t get into those details again here. Once back on the road, our plans changed, and I thoroughly enjoyed traveling the Golden Circle.

Driving from Whitehorse to Skagway, Alaska and taking the ferry to Haines then heading back to the Alcan, I enjoyed some of the most beautiful scenery all summer.

Along the way I’m glad we stopped to see Carcross, even if it was overrun by tourists. If you’re into arts, crafts, and local flavor, put this place on your list!

The Cassiar Highway had its own challenges for us, but we continued to persevere.
“What was your favorite?” People always ask that. I really liked the Yukon, but considering what happened to us there I would have to say there was something about Hyder that made me feel at home.

Upon leaving, the Canadian border guard asked how long we were there. And she was shocked when I said two weeks. It appears most people who visit Hyder stay a few days, or never leave.

The Glaciers, of course, had a major impact on us. Though not nearly the impact we have on the glaciers. We’ll just leave that there, and keep those comments on those two posts.
I’ve surely forgotten something, so I’ll just leave you with this shot from another favorite free boondocking site near Braeburn–another spot where we didn’t stay nearly long enough.

So Long Alaska, and thanks for all the fish.
We shall return.
This journey would not have been possible without our RVDataSat satellite internet allowing us to work from anywhere, a weBoost cell signal booster which helped wherever we had service, the Tire-SafeGuard TPMS that saved the day, more than once, and CoachNet roadside assistance with RV tire protection. Don’t leave home without them. At least don’t go to Alaska without them!
Loved all the pictures. Thank you for sharing your journey.
Thanks for following along! 🙂