Are Workampers Inspirational or Old and Broke? You Decide.

Workampers have been all over the media lately and RVers are buzzing about the Harper’s Magazine article called “The End of Retirement: When You Can’t Afford to Stop Working.”

This week a few hot debates occurred in the We Love Workamping Facebook Group, mostly in agreement with my view that this article is pure sensationalism and misrepresents the full-time RVing lifestyle. One group member wrote to the author to share his own story, and she responded to his email with the following:

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Clean and Sober. For Now.

It’s been 56 days since we’ve had a cocktail. Our closet is crammed with all of our favorite booze, because we stocked up at Costco in Las Vegas before we came out here to the sticks. But we haven’t touched a drop.

What does this have to do with full-time RVing? A lot. I’ll get to that.  Meanwhile, we’ve been on the wagon, living like Mormons.

No gin and tonics.

We love Hendrick’s for Gin and Tonics

No margaritas.

When money’s no object, we love Republic Tequila.

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