We’re still playing some serious catch-up here. So, here’s another quick first five random photos for this week’s Fun Fotos Friday. Pulling up my secret random pics generator from our 13+ years of full-time RVing photo galleries, here are the first five I found…

Paaaawww…I miss that dawg. He always did have us turned around, in many ways.

Not far from Wyatt’s memorial marker, you can find this walking labyrinth where we often gathered to meditate. Coincidence? There is no such thing.

Quite a bit further away from FOY, this shot was from one of my more steep training runs in the big city.

Speaking of training runs! Check out the medals Rene made for our Camp COVID Ultra Marathon I’m telling you, there are no coincidences. And these five random photos are the first in this week’s selection.

And…the last of this week’s first five photos just happens to be from another run near – you guessed it – our Westfir Camp COVID homebase. #nocoincidences
Stay tuned for more random photos next Friday. Or, suggest a topic below and I’ll see what we can find!