We may not be currently taking a lot of pictures while staying rather stationary at FoY after our long strange trip to Alaska, but as the year draws to a close I notice we have 687 photos in our Miscellaneous 2018 gallery!
2018 Full-time RVing Photos
The various “miscellaneous” galleries we’ve created over the years include photos that don’t quite fit into the categories on our Gallery page. They are sorted with most recent pics first, click the thumbnails below to browse the last 500 or read on for a few highlights that caught my eye…
Writing this, we are right back where we started, where I kicked off the year servicing our satellite internet dish when I had to replace a skew motor gear on the RV DataSat 840.

Shortly after that, my next project was installing the Tire-SafeGuard TPMS which has saved us from much more severe damage on more than one occasion.

It wasn’t all work and no play, however, once we hit the road again. The first memorable stop was free boondocking at The Shoe Fence, which apparently we never wrote about.

We did write about our VIP tour and garage pass with Stewart Haas Racing. NASCAR fans might enjoy those photos and videos we made.
Then came RVing to Alaska…and sooo many photos. The first I saw in my random sampling from one of my favorite boondocking spots on the whole journey, long before the madness at Destruction Bay.

Random is as random does. Pages later, I was still browsing photos from the Alaska trip, when we actually made it to Alaska. Want to see more, don’t miss our RV highlights from Alaska. Or, low points if you prefer!

More Alaska pics? Sure, why not? The glaciers were another highlight, or a low point if you consider Rene’s global warming rant.

Finally back in the states, our trip to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons in Big Sky Country was quite memorable, with plenty of pics to prove it.

As the weather got colder, as it has every year since we hit the road, it was time to head south again.

After another pilgrimage to Chimayo, and another visit to the best pie shop in Pie Town, South it was.To Las Vegas, where we enjoyed another Hallowed Birthday with the freaks on Fremont Street.

And south it will be, as we plan to get back to Texas once we get our wheels rolling again next year…which is right around the corner, when we’ll start yet another new miscellaneous photos gallery!