Working people take vacations to escape from their life. But for Jim and I, full-time RVing and vacations cancel each other out. We just never feel a need to take them.
Way back in our previous life, we religiously followed the literal definition of going on “vacation”: freedom or release from duty, business, or activity.
We did what other non-nomads do at least once a year: go to faraway places to ditch everyday life. When it ended, sadness set in. And then we planned for our next escape.
But once we nailed the full-time RVing lifestyle, vacations didn’t seem necessary.
I realized this when Jim and I held a 2019 business planning session a few weeks ago. Under the guidance of our business coach, we were told to schedule time off for breaks throughout the year. But that’s when Jim and I looked at each other blankly. Why bother?
Scheduling time-off for “getaways” seems pointless. For us, full-time RVing allows us to blend vacation into every single day.
No, we don’t blow off work whenever we feel like. But since we don’t have kids, a commute, or routine hassles of a conventional life (house maintenance, anyone?), living this way allows us to incorporate plenty of micro-vacations into our days.
Here at Fountain of Youth, there’s plenty of ways to feel like we’re on vacation. It’s the only place where we are willing to pay rent for a few months. With sweet amenities and full-hookups, the relatively affordable rent here is worth the annual dent in our bank account.
From the daily spa soaks — usually late at night but sometimes on weekend mornings.
To running on Super Senior Denny’s Speedway fitness track.
And now I’m taking a free yoga class. What a nice break from the Wednesday work day!
Without any boondocking hassles like having to watch our power consumption, we are working more hours than ever during the year (especially because this is the busiest time for my jewelry business). But no matter what, we try to take time to soak up the benefits of being here.

There’s magic in the hot water at FoY. You’ll rarely find crabby people here and almost everyone walks around with a smile on their face. Many people have snowbirded here for over a decade. And everyone agrees: there’s nothing else out there like FoY.
After our Alaska road trip adventure, can you see why we aren’t going anywhere until February? Stop by and visit some day, we’ll show you why the regulars always tell the newcomers “You’ll be back.”
And a poker game, and a crafting room, New Year’s Eve party, and a restaurant, and a library, and gym…can’t wait to get back there for the 3rd time. =)
Are the spa areas free for campers? Even those in the dry sites?
Hi John! Yes, all the amenities are included in the rent whether you’re boondocking or hooked up. That’s what we love about this place. Plus, there’s an on-site full-service post office, grocery store, 2x weekly farmers market, two laundries, and so much more.