Twenty twenty was, well, it was 2020…

The year began with us wondering where we would go to sit out whatever the mysterious Coronavirus may bring.
From the The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck book review I apparently never published.
The mystery only became more baffling as the months moved on. But we didn’t move much at all.
We watched and wondered at the world going mad from our own little Camp Covid.
We ran our loneliest marathon in April.
And then our first ultra in August.
We probably traveled fewer miles in 2020 than we have any year since first hitting the road – more than 13 years ago now.
And then, regardless of all our efforts to remain safe and secluded, we ended 2020 with a bang – and bad case of the Covid. This virus is a crap-shoot. It hits everyone differently, and it hit me hard. Rene was far too kind in her post. I considered posting a rant about those out there who still ignore the recommendations of the CDC, HHS, WHO, and all respected medical experts about actions to help prevent the spread of this awful disease.
It is real folks! Infection rates continue to climb, with one person diagnosed every six seconds, and someone dying from Coronavirus every 30 seconds! Nobody deserves the wrath of ‘Rona. But for those of you wearing your chin diapers and still gathering in public, all I have to say is: You have no idea…and you can make a difference.
Well, there I go digressing again, anyway. You know about all that made 2020 a year of such mayhem for all.
On top of all the madness out there, we said goodbye to Raul, and set Wyatt Ray free.
What’s a little case of COVID to top it all off?
From FOY to Oregon, to Los Angeles and back to FOY. That was the extent of our less than nomadic year in photos.
We clearly haven’t been taking as many photos as we normally do when roaming around all year.
But all of these are from what adventures we did enjoy during our year “on the road” that was 2020.
If you’re still with me, I hope you enjoy this rather random collection of RV Lifestyle photos from our less than nomadic year on the road.
Once I’m feeling up to it, I hope to get back to our regularly scheduled RVing lifestyle posts, product reviews and maintenance tips. Plus more Fun Fotos Friday collection – with much less ranting. I promise.
Just wear your masks, dammit! 😉