No Money in Photos On the Road

For my recent post about how we make money on the road, I searched our 13+ years of RV lifestyle photos for “money”. I found none. That doesn’t mean I can’t find any random yet related images to include in today’s Fun Friday Fotos collection.

Organic Mechanic
Organic Mechanic – Asheville, NC

My search for “cash” only found various pics with “ncasheville” in their filenames.

asheville art

I’m sure many of us can relate to these sculptures in the Ashville art park we found back in 2008.

asheville art

My search for cash, did come up with photos from a few of our favorite casino camping spots.


You can’t win if you don’t play! 🙂

high rollers

We may not be high-rollers, but we have been down Easy Street.

Easy Street
Somewhere in Texas

And we have seen the opposite end of this country’s economic spectrum.

Somewhere in Florida

Sometimes how I find certain photos, I’ll never know. Like this sign we saw when paying tribute to Spoonie at a dive bar in Festus.

Bike Shop Sign
Festus, MO Bike Shop

After all, this is supposed to be a random collection of (vaguely) related photos.


Searching for “banks” I found this Banksy style graffiti in Nelson, BC.

nelson graffiti

And at least one old bank, in Lake City.

lake city bank
Miners & Merchants Bank – Lake City, CO

So, I found no money in photos from our many galleries. Why not wrap this up with a couple completely random pics?

Austin Sanitary Services

Better yet, drop a comment with a topic suggestion for my next Fun Fotos Friday.

giant marrionette

And I’ll come up with another collection of remotely random photos from our 13+ years of RV Lifestyle Galleries.

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