Global Coverage of the New Nomads

Anybody following this blog speak Portuguese?

If so, you might enjoy this article about the New Nomads in the Oct./Nov. 2014 issue of Ponto Turismo. The story profiles us and our full-time RVing adventures while we live and work from the road, along with another “digitial nomad” who travels the world staying in hotels for a few weeks at a time.

New Nomads Article Portuguese Ponto Turismo New Nomads Article

It highlights our ability to work from anywhere using modern technologies, and our choice to “live without laces or marked destination”. Or so I think…

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Full-timer Shares Tips for Profitable Blogging in New Book

Hitting the road to go full-tiime RVing is a big decision but it’s amazing how many people do it without carefully asking themselves, “How am I going to support myself?

Funny sign at Luckenbach, Texas

Far too often new full-time RVers start traveling only to find themselves in a financial bind a few months later because they didn’t think the income part through.

Anyone can afford to live this lifestyle and you don’t have to have a fat wallet to do it, but sustaining yourself on the road and hopefully saving for a rainy day takes more creativity and discipline than the default lifestyle. Having multiple sources of income, aka “revenue streams” is crucial. We discuss generating income anywhere in our business blog, but for now, I just want to bring a handy new book to your attention so you can add it to your tool of ways to make money as a full-time RVer.

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The Gruesome Side of Ranch Workamping

Life And Death On The Ranch

“Gruesome” is a poor choice of words, actually, at least for anyone actually interested in workamping on a ranch.

NOTE: My intention with this post is neither to be gratuitous nor grotesque. In fact, Rene spared us all by not taking any truly gruesome pictures.

I’m only sharing this to inform potential workampers that not all workamping jobs are alike, and that when ranch workamping you may be asked to do certain things you’d rather not.

dead horse disposal ranch workamping

The first time Rene wrote about life and death on the farm, we had nothing to do with the disposal of the dead livestock. This time was different.

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My Best Workamping Job: To Make Custom Log Fireplace Mantle

Have I mentioned how much I enjoy workamping at Vickers Ranch because of the opportunity I get to do some creative woodworking projects? Yeah, I thought so, maybe once or twice. Well, here’s one I’m particularly proud of.

Vickers Ranch Handmade Log Fireplace Mantle

Last year, I arrived at the ranch in time to help install and finish a similar mantle my boss made. This year, I had the honor of doing the dirty work. So I thought I would share how to make a custom log fireplace mantle like this one I made at my favorite workamping job.

Ranch Workamping Job to Make Handmade Log Fireplace Mantle

Read on for tips, lots of photos, and plenty of fun with power tools!

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