Jim reminded me that fourteen years ago this month, we rolled away from our old life and into one that’s mostly better than we ever imagined it could be. And yes, I said “mostly.” Because if I told you it was perfect, I would be bullshitting you.
This ride was only supposed to last a year, but here we are. Who could have known? Not us. We assumed the only way forward after that one final year with Jerry was to buck up and slip back into the default life. It’s what you do right? Come to your senses and be a civilized, sticks-and-bricks person like most people? For a very short while we thought exactly that. We didn’t think there was any other way to live.
Nomadiversary Thoughts About 14 years Fulltiming
But over the next several years, we decided “If it ain’t broke, there’s nothing to fix.” Today, we understand that this fulltiming lifestyle isn’t just about the chance to explore beautiful new places.

It’s about the chance to meet new people and soak up local flavor.

And while it’s a blast to try different regional cuisine, there’s more to fulltime RVing than the world’ greatest donuts in Whitehorse.

These are just some of the ingredients that full-time RV living adds into every camper’s life. Travel gives you tons of opportunities to add more. To surround yourself with new people, places, and experiences. Put it all together and you have the fixin’s of a broader mind, happier heart, and a life richer than you ever imagined. Happy people, happy world is how I look at it.

Many old-timers grumble about the influx of full-time RVers on the road these days. I think it’s great more people are trying it! Sure, campgrounds are harder to book and public lands getting busier. But this lifestyle always separates the die-hards from the dabblers. In about a year, things will level out. Those who love it will keep RVing, full-time or not. Those who don’t will sell their RVs and move on to their next big thing. And meanwhile, every single person who ever tried fulltime RVing, will possess some of those RV life ingredients for a happier life and a happier world. Sounds like a win-win for everyone!
14 Years is a long time. I hope you have many more happy nomad years.
Thanks Patti! We plan on it
Happy nomadiversary! Wow on 14 years!!!