We interrupt this regularly scheduled nomadic working lifestyle blog post* for a wee bit of social commentary, and a cool freebie anyone concerned about the current state of affairs needs to see, and share, a lot.
What is wrong with people?
My nephew nailed it when he told me the world has gone bat shit crazy.
I couldn’t agree with him more. Ever since, I have been wondering what I can do about it. I refuse to engage in judgemental arguments or political rants. I’ve chosen to reframe the issues sincerely bothering so many people, enjoy my life, and continue to go about my business.
All I will say is these are interesting times, to say the least. I’m definitely glad we don’t watch television. Daily news stories and social media feeds are bad enough. Does sitting back and watching the drama unfold make me complacent? Perhaps. So I’m posting this.
I used to believe I couldn’t take any blame for the outcome of things that way, when in fact recent events clearly prove the exact opposite is true. So what do we do if we are dissatisfied about something and feel it is the fault of others? Benjamin Franklin suggested we must first be willing to change ourselves, before we can expect others to change.I freed myself of guilt and blame long ago. And I encourage others to do the same. Only then can we laugh at life, live with intention and engage any opposition we encounter without anger. We may then actually be able to inspire some small change, for the better.
How can you change the world?
You can’t. But try we must. Or, accept the alternative. Winston Churchill said it best…
I found these insightful quotes when I discovered this free e-book about Inspiring Change buried deep in the detritus on my hard drive. I don’t believe in coincidences, but this file did surface rather unexpectedly—at a time when it is most needed.
The country is divided. Hell, the whole world is at words with everyone else. People are distraught and upset with others. They all shout change! Then there are those those shout back, no you change. For whatever reason, many people these days simply get angry, and only want to force their way upon others, demanding it is better. That clearly doesn’t work, and only makes matters worse.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
—Anthem, Leonard Cohen
You can’t make me change, and I know I can’t change you. But maybe, just maybe, if we could all just take a collective breath and speak from the heart we may be able to shed a little light on why we believe our way might be a bit better—for ourselves, others and the environment—and how “they” may see a brighter outlook by opening the eyes just enough to let light in.
How to Inspire Change in Others?
That’s what Inspiring Change is all about. I have no idea when this beautiful e-book was composed. I remember downloading it back in 2011, but cannot exactly remember why. I think it had something to do with The Good Human. Then I forgot all about it. I do know it is free, insightful, and deserves to be shared.
Lynn Fang compiled the thoughts of more than 25 forward thinking hippie dippie eco-groovy types eager to make the world a better place. Its elegance lies in simplicity of design and a deep message—not how we can change the world, but how we can help each other understand how to work together toward change.
It includes a, “short and sweet little guide of Do’s and Don’ts for the everyday changemaker to have real impact, without turning friends into enemies.” I could not have said that better myself to describe this simple manifesto for making change.
All the contributions from bloggers in this collection tend to have a vegan self-sustainable slant toward living more “green” and I’m down with that, being a vegetarian myself who digs permaculture and sustainability. But the lessons learned from these stories of attempting to influence others in the face of adversity can be applied to any scenario—human rights, politics, gender equality, racial issues, spiritual concerns, business or any other personal passion you may have with which others may disagree.
[button link=”https://liveworkdream.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Inspiring_Change.pdf” size=”large” style=”download” bg_color=”#417519″]Download Inspiring Change and Pass It On![/button]
If you are feeling outnumbered, encumbered, or dazed and confused about what to do these days, give Inspiring Change a read. It’s a free gift. There is no catch.
If not, download it anyway. Bookmark this page. Share this link. You may just find it hits the nail on the head, even if it is five years down the road.
Had enough?
*OK. If all this mumbo jumbo and innuendo makes you grit your teeth and get ready to unsubscribe from this blog with it’s usual workamping posts and helpful product reviews for RVers, then here—enjoy one more video of heavy equipment on the ranch…
Truth be told, I did have one last workamping post from our time this year at Vickers Ranch in mind here. Then I nearly threw out this e-book when cleaning up my Mac. After reviewing the mindful tips and helpful advice in Living Inspired, and realizing how poignant it all is right now, I knew it had to be shared. It needed to be preserved. I wrote this from the heart, with no ads or affiliate links, nor the usual sidebar suggestions, with hopes that it will be shared, discussed and acted upon. Besides, I needed a place to upload it so I could put it on our iPad. Thanks Lynn! Wherever you are.
While I finished editing this post, Let Me Dream by Ozomatli came on.
There are no coincidences. I played it twice, so I’ll just leave this right here…
Woke up late today
Turn on the TV
I don’t like what I see
Too much politricks
Not much reality
Will they ever here my plea?…
I just want to change this world
But I ain’t got no time to breathe
I just want to change this world
By changing what’s inside of me
—Let Me Dream, Ozomatli
Nicely done Jim,great thoughts to ponder and live by……….Thanks
Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment Richard!