All of my favorite hay harvest workamping memories are from our summers at Vickers Ranch.
Granted, the only hat harvest workamping we’ve ever done has been while workamping at Vickers Ranch.
But as Larry likes to say, it don’t get no better than this.
I thought I’d share these few favorite hay harvest workamping photos for this week’s Friday Five.
It made perfect sense, after sharing the recent photos and video from the shortest hay season during our last Rocky Mountain harvest.
But really, what are my most favorite hay harvest workamping memories? It would be those first couple years at Vickers Ranch for sure. Specifically, I’ll never forget that first year when we produced the Vickers hay Chronicles. And when had the honor of meeting and interviewing Perk Vickers…
Every day is a great day, indeed.
Got an idea for the next Friday Five?
So, what kind of hay is that? I can tell its not oats or alfalfa. I assume its a perennial grass of some kind? Timothy perhaps? (I googled high altitude hay in CO and that came up) Your favorite botanist wants to know!
Very close! Check out the first video in our Vickers Hay Chronicles Trilogy to hearl Larry explain to Rene what’s in the hay: Red Top, Timothy, Clover…