No, I’m not going to share 2022 RVing photos in one post. This is the Friday Five, after all. Granted, I rarely share only five photos in these relatively random selections from our 15+ years of Live Work Dream galleries. But this is the last blog post of the year. So I give you this small sampling of some more RVing photos from 2022…

We’ve uploaded 131 RVing photos to out 2022 Miscellaneous gallery. I haven’t bothered counting how many total photos we uploaded to all our galleries this year. That “Miscellaneous” gallery is hidden, because it often includes many similar photos we use for our DIY posts or product reviews and how to maintenance articles. That might make the gallery page rather irrelevant when shown out of context.
See what I mean? Check out that context for yet another reason you need a TPMS! Otherwise, these miscellaneous photos are, well…rather miscellaneous. They don’t easily fall into our categories for fun signs and funky rigs we’ve seen, or attractions we’ve visited and cool or kooky characters we’ve met. Or perhaps kinky characters in some cases.
Remind me to share more photos from that fun Drag Brunch for another Friday Five! But usually random is as random does in the Miscellaneous folder. Many of these uncategorized RVing photos never end up in any posts. Except maybe in round-ups like this.
And sometimes our miscellaneous RVing photos may just be categorized wrong. Usually I put my graffiti pics in the Art folder. And before you argue with that, I wrote about comparing graffiti and petroglyphs way back in 2008! Both can be considered forms of artwork and vandalism, in my opinion. Somehow this one ended up here.
And you may disagree again, but I do consider these all RVing photos. For I found all of these photographic subjects while we’ve been RVing. And that is already five random RVing photos from 2022. But I may just leave you with a couple more.
After writing RV lifestyle blog posts for 15+ years, you never know when images like this may come in handy.
So we leave 2022 behind, and head on down the road for another nomadic year living and working from anywhere. I wonder what RVing photos might start filling up our 2023 Miscellaneous gallery. If you like these random collections and quick commentary, suggest a topic and I’ll see what I can come up with for the next Friday Five.