Ya never quite know what you might be doing on any given day as a ranch workamper. For this week’s Friday Five, I’ll share a few more photos of another not so typical day (or week) at Vickers Ranch.
As a ranch workamper, it’s good to know how to do what you’re told and roll with uncertainty. One morning, you might think yer workin’ at the lake project, cutting more trees, or gettin’ ready to go hay. But you also never know when a bunch of well pipe might just come in handy. And ya never pass up the opportunity to pick up a bunch of free pipe.
“That’s stuffs four bucks a foot,” Larry said. All that mattered to me was that it needed to be moved. So as a good ranch workamper, I got the job done. I stacked it all on the trailer, and made it up the hill to that other boneyard. It’s the one where ya keep all those miscellaneous parts and pieces of equipment – piles of barbed wires, stacks of metal roofing, old timbers, tires, and the like.
“Some of that stuff’s heavy!” I said. But it was just another ranch workamper job that needed to get done, on just another day at the ranch. While I was there, I tidied up the boneyard a bit. Stacking old tires, and organizing the various scattered pipes and culvert pieces. Just another part of the ranch workamping job I love so much. Yeah, the next day we found exactly what we needed to finish up that lake project I keep promising to tell you about.
But being this is supposed to be a “Friday Five” post, I suppose I’ll share a few random recent pics from around the ranch. Ya never know what you might find lying about in these parts. Like that old Dr Pepper can.
Or these core sample rejects still sitting out by the Golden Wonder mine on the upper ranch. It doesn’t look like anyone has been tending to that claim in a long time. That may change soon if Larry has his way, and rene does her homework.
Then there was this river bat hanging out on the Ice House door. And all those huge shrooms on our upper ranch runs. Check out our Flora and Fauna gallery for more exciting finds from our copious time off. 😀
But I’m getting ahead of myself. And we have many more ranch workamper projects to explain. With plenty of photos, and lots of video. Those posts will clearly wait until we have more than a couple days off a week to get all our own work done.

Such is the life of a ranch workamper. Paul suggested a new name for my landscaping and website design business. High-tech Redneck: will haul hay, fall trees, and forever keep your e-commerce site online. Inquire within.