We had no subject submitted for this week’s selection of Fun Friday Fotos. So, here’s another completely random collection of RV Lifestyle Photos from our 13+ years of galleries.
Random is as random does. And this shot from our favorite spot at FOY inspired the “no subject” subject for this post.
See, pretty random…considering my Overland Coffee Review has a subject all its own.
Taste is about the only thing common among these no subject photos so far. This one comes with our review of Backwards Distillery in Casper, Wyoming.
Back to some pretty random randomness, apparently, with this Furman Tomb from our Taphophile Gallery.
From death, to dead fish. And from Mt Olivet Cemetery in Nashville, to Pikes Place Market in Seattle. Still pretty random, eh?
Honestly, I’m having a hard time recalling where we saw this rein-driven Power Horse tractor with no seat. I’d have to check our full-time RVing maps for May 2008 to remember that.
I do recall this collection of classic Cortez RVs we spotted while Casino Camping at Morongo. Not to be confused with El Cortez casino in Vegas – where we enjoyed our favorite frugal Vegas experiences. Well, at lease we used to when crowded gatherings were safe and sane.
I’m looking forward to the day we can feel fine walking with the freaks Fremont street, or get back to our favorite boondocking spots without worry along the way.

Got an idea for a common theme for my next collection of random photos from our RVing galleries? Suggest one with a comment below, or you may get another silly series with no subject for the next Fun Fotos Friday!