What is art? As an artist, of sorts, I have my own answer to that question. “They” say art is in the eye of the beholder.

I believe: Art is something created by and artist. And an artist is one who creates art. In this sense, everything might be considered art. At least by somebody.

As a result, what I view as art, some may not think very artful. Regardless, we’ve seen so much art on the road over the years, we have a dedicated gallery of fun and funky art scenes. So, for this Friday Five, I ask myself: What is Art?

Better yet, I ask you: What is art? Ask ten artists, you’ll likely get eleven answers.

I see art everywhere. There is art in architecture, and in typography. A colorful sunset may be construed as art, which opens a can o’ worms regarding that particular artist. But what is art in that sense? The instant or the image? And who is that artist…or creator? As much as I digress once again, this often blurs the lines when sorting photos for our Live Work Dream galleries.

Is graffiti art? Or is it vandalism? Asking myself what is art, I see it as both. But it usually depends upon the medium, and the message.

So, what is art? You decide. Then leave a comment with a suggestion for the next Friday Five collection of relatively random photos from our 15+ years of Live Work Dream galleries.