There’s no way I can top that touching tribute Rene posted for our 25th wedding anniversary. We’ve come a long way together, indeed. So I thought I’d share 25 favorite memories from over the years. But that wouldn’t even scratch the surface of such good times we’ve enjoyed over the years. And honestly, I know Rene would rather not have me spend my time doing that. She’s a tough boss. So, let’s talk about the past 27 years…That’s how long I’ve been lucky enough to know the woman who changed my life, for the better. Much better. And now, that’s half my life! As I write this, it was 27 years ago today when Spoonie kept telling me, “You gotta meet my roommate.”

Friday, May 19, 1995 was my first favorite memory of Rene. It was that night at the Gold Cane, when Patty pulled me into the restroom. She told me, “You should go for Rene, she’s cute.” That was a total relief, because I totally agreed.” Then we open the bathroom door, and there she was, next in line. Awwkward…but obviously. It all worked out. Very soon, our adventures began.

I never would have dreamed during our 1996 Western U.S National Park Tour, that more than 25 years later this cute biker babe and I would be working on a National Park RVing guide together. Or that I still would have proposed to her on that Cohab Canyon hike, after she insisted I try push-starting her motorcycle in 120º+ heat after she left the key on after arriving in Death Valley on the fourth of July.

Or that she’d still be wearing the cheap turquoise engagement ring I got her, with a pack of tall-boy Buds after I gave up. Or that we’d return to Death Valley in an RV a dozen years later.

Or that we would have been traveling full-time in an RV for 15+ years by now. Or that we would have spent the first ten years of our marriage growing a remote business in Eureka, California. Or that we would have fled the default life and hit the road – all because of our Chief Fun Officer, Jerry. But then again, the past 27 years have all been a beautiful dream. And I owe it all to Rene.

So what a trip it was to return to the scene of the crime 25 years later. Or rather, to stand on that same spot where we said our vows May 17, 1997.

And what a long strange trip it’s been. Here to many more miles to come…
So what’s with these tiny pics? I found them on our old HTML pages from yesteryear – about our adventures and marital bliss.
Wow! The more I learn about you guys the more amazed I am!
Happy anniversary🎉🎊
Awww….thanks for all the kind comments everbody!
Super fun post, and I’m happy we got to hang out a little on our rving adventures…if you ever make it down the baja peninsula you better come see us!
You two are so cute. And a beacon of hope for many of us in both love and adventure. Congratulations on just one of many mor anniversaries to come.
aaawwww, love this! Happy “happily ever after” you two crazy kids! Look at the “family” and community you’ve created all across the damn country now ! (2 and 4-legged).