All RVers know that camper conversations always lead to black tank talk. So today, you’re going to read some. Here’s my RV sewer hose rule rant.

A few days ago we landed in Arizona to run the Tucson Marathon. We did! And in better time than we thought possible. But that’s a story for another time.

Meanwhile, the day after the race we were peacefully engaging in a Sunday morning Headspace meditation session. Right in the middle, a loud rap on the door broke our focus. We didn’t answer it, but later a kind workamper stopped by. His purpose: to remind us that our sewer hose needed to be elevated.
“It’s a state law,” he said. “You have to get them off the ground. The state comes around and inspects. And there’s a $500 fine if you don’t.”
Here’s My Elevated RV Sewer Hose Rule Rant
I understand RV park rules are rules. We generally follow them. But not when stupid rules encourage consumption of cheap, plastic crap from China that takes up precious RV storage space. We are minimalist RVers. In nearly fifteen years of enjoying this lifestyle, it was the first time we got reprimanded for not having an elevated RV sewer hose.

What I really want to know is: are RV sewer hose supports really necessary?
After all, if you have the inevitable RV sewer hose explosion, your stinky muck is going to land on the ground even if your hose isn’t touching it. Ask me how I know.
It’s not that we don’t believe in good RV protocols. For example, we never cheap out on RV sewer hoses any more. Only the best RV sewer hoses for us, now!
But other than making it easier for your own crap to flow downhill from your RV sewer valve to the septic connection, can someone explain to me the value of an elevated RV sewer hose?
A Cheap Elevated Sewer Hose Support Solution
Sometimes we do need to get our RV sewer hose into a better angle for faster flow. So we place two plastic storage boxes underneath the hoses. They do the job just fine.

When did elevated RV sewer hose supports become a thing? And who, other than RV suppliers, are actually benefitting from thousands of people who purchase them?
Once the nice workamper told us to get our RV sewer hose off the ground, Jim did as instructed. He stowed it away until we dumped. I’m just glad the RV park workamper didn’t see that the hose touched the ground when Jim pulled the release valve.
Are we the oddballs here? Do you use RV sewer hose supports? I’d love to hear why or why not.
I think the reason for the sewer hose supports are to prevent leaks from the hose laying on the ground and moving along rocks, branches, thorns. The leaks will be pinhole size leaks and the affluent will contaminate the ground unknowingly until the hose is removed and stowed. Don’t ask how I know!
Herb, that is the best answer yet. I can buy that. But can I say I just love the phrase “the affluent will contaminate….” 😉
Hilarious article, as we are in Sedona right now and hubby is going crazy over the rule! We have a support thingy (purchased due to parks in the past insisting we should have one) but never use. The people next to us have their hose atop 2 plastic boxes, like you described. We don’t keep the sewer hose attached – only bring out to empty the tank, and he elevates by hand to ensure it all empties into the sewer. He emptied the tank earlier today and left the sewer hose attached until after work, not elevated off the ground. He’s being stubborn, as he wants a logical reason why there is a rule about this. Searching for AZ health ordinances, I can’t seem to find any reasoning about it either yet, except I did find your post!
At the park we lived at in CA, we were told that the state law was that if you’re parked for more than 6 months you had to get a “permanent” sewer line (aka PVC pipes with joints and sealant). Talk about wasteful, because if you shift the RV at all in your space (or take a trip every 6 months and then come back) then you have to either get yourself back EXACTLY where the pipes would fit, or you have to cut them/use different pipes to get that fit again.
Our solution, once we started taking trips, was to make sure we left before the 6 months were up, so we never had to use the PVC. But they did also require the supports under the flexible hose.
Hey Maya, that’s a new one, I had no idea! We are at FOY for the next four months, now I know we will never stay longer. I like the way you guys handled it.
Same rule at Kofa Co-op here in Yuma. It is a fairly standard rule in most parks the we have stayed in across the country.
We are minimalists as well, but we have alway had the slinky hose support stands. When are parked for longer for work, as we are here, we also use the sloping gutter approach.
Stay well and keep running!
Hi Page! Yeah, I’ve seen that rule in other states, it’s just nobody ever called us out on it. Where do you find the space to store those suckers?
Hey guys,
Yes, the same rule applies at Saguaro C0-Op. I have always carried 3 short lengths of plastic gutter, each is about 5 ft long, so with a little overlap, I can extend out about 14 ft. I support the gutters with the small cheap plastic wheel chocks, which are left over from when we had a 21 ft class C, no way they stop the 33,000 lb moho, rocks and whatever else is handy. When I park for extended periods of time and if the hose is only extended 6 ft or so, use one of the gutters on top to protect form UV light and hail.
I’m sure there are other bizarre state RV / camping rules in various places around the country. Maybe that is an article. LOL
Glad you survived the marathon.
Hey Larry you know what’s funny? When we stayed at your park, the manager went around to inspect our site but never called us out on it. I probably just blew it for the next rule breakers by even publishing this!
You have another inventive way of handling it. But I have no idea where we would put those plastic gutter lengths.
I like your article idea! You need to tackle that one!