After feeling rooted for more than four months in the same spot, it’s time to get used to moving again and updating our full-time RVing maps every time we do.

Sure, we had all the comforts of spa life at the Fountain of Youth. It was starting to feel like home – what with the spas, the pools, the gym, the trails, and all the fun, friendly people.

I already miss the hot tubs. And I doubt we’ll be swimming again before we return in Fall. Yes, I have a feeling this will become a regular thing. After four snowbird seasons at FoY, we’re hooked.

But with Spring come the wildflowers, and the bugs, and the snakes, and the heat…

It will be interesting to see what changes we find upon our return in eight months.

Yeah, I guess I’m already counting the days. Well at least the months, so far.

Working from home full-time, we never quite get to enjoy FOY to its fullest – unlike all the retired folks, with such busy schedules of their own. I laugh when the office staff refers to everyone being on vacation.

You might consider us on a permanent working vacation. But I was able to catch the parade as it passed by our site. At least for a few photos, before ditching inside to get back to work.

It didn’t take long to browse the entire FOY Fair, though the residents seemed to be spending the entire day mingling about.

We weren’t very interested in paying forty bucks for the short Balloon ride many others seem to have enjoyed.

And personally, I didn’t feel especially comfortable going up in the air with folks that can’t even spell balloon!

Once we get back into our new routine, however, time on the road will likely fly by as it did during our stay. Before long we will be saying FOY Or Bust once again!

In fact, the old nomadic routine already feels pretty good. From full hookups and daily soaks to boondocking in a casino parking lot, we are back in the game, and officially back on the road again.

Since we sold Jerry’s Acres and haven’t been workamping at Vickers Ranch in a few years, the road is starting to feel most like home. Again.
I think the Kinks said it best:
Looking in the mirror wondering, “Well,
After all this time you never thought you’d still be out on the road?”
Like a gypsy I was born to roam
Like a wanderer with no fixed abode
I think about the friends I’ve left behind on the road
Well, the road’s been rocky along the way
It’s been a long, hard haul on the motorway
But if it gets too smooth it’s time to call it a day
The Road by The Kinks
We’re making a short trip with the moho up to Mongomery,TX for 3 days to attend the AGS annual meeting as speakers, it’s the first time in almost a year, we’ll be traveling in the moho, albeit a short trip, but once we get back to Houston, its then only 18 days until we also will be officially back on the road and heading to Colorado. It felt good to pack everything.
Travel Safe you two, hope to see you down the road somewhere
“if it gets too smooth it’s time to call it a day…” Roger that! Thanks for the reminder, today was a long hard haul, indeed.
What map program do you use?
Our newer maps are built using the open source uMap platform. The older maps were created with Google Maps, before they started charging for the extra features required to map and save such longer routes.