Few things in life have a clear beginning and end but highways are the exception. There is Point A and Point B and whatever lay in-between is my whole reason for living the way we do. Road tripping along U.S. Highway 60 is one of best ways to savor North America’s best in-between parts.
Meandering through the Middle is My M.O.
Maybe some of us are just destined to be gypsies. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to know what was just around the corner of whatever path I traveled. Whether pedaling down a long, single-track mountain bike trail, taking a run in the canyons or driving on an epic paved road, my curiosity is never satisfied until I can see what’s over yonder. Our lifestyle makes it easy to find out.

Two cross-country highways consistently take us to many great places. Interstate 10 is one. We have driven along this mammoth, busy interstate in its entirety. Not all at once, but in pieces. That’s a simple feat for snowbirds like us. From I-10’s origins in Santa Monica California to its less than grand finale in Jacksonville Florida, this fast-moving concrete road takes you to the right spots when it’s icy, cold and wet in the north.

Then there’s U.S. Highway 60. This secondary highway travels along a similar route as I-10 but feels worlds apart. It’s one of our favorites to travel between Southern California and Texas. The road originates near my parents home in L.A., where I grew up. From their front door you can escape the rat race, drive east through the desert and roam in beautiful country.
Most of 60 is relatively flat and has slower speed limits. The pace is perfect for adventurous RVers who enjoy ghost dancing on blue highways of America.

Many refer to U.S. 60 as The Great Pie-Way because it leads you right to the culinary center of the Universe, the Pie-O-Neer Cafe in Pie Town, New Mexico. That’s where you’ll find the best pie bar in America with the fun and funkiest people you ever want to meet. It’s the Love Shack of the Pie Nation and if you haven’t met Kathy, Stanley and the crew in person you really need to get there soon.

Our Surprise Ending to Road Tripping Along U.S. Highway 60
Recently while on our rental car road trip to Virginia, we got to experience Highway 60’s Chesapeake Bay conclusion. I had such high hopes. Its terminus is near the only Virginia beach that allows dogs during summer. As a bonus, it’s just a few blocks from Big Sam’s Raw Bar, a locals hangout away from the tourist district, with a great bar and local seafood.
The plan was to dip our toes in the Atlantic with Wyatt at the dog-friendly First Landing State Park, then celebrate our latest roadlife accomplishment with Chesapeake Bay oysters and local grub. Silly me.
This Southern California girl forgot how the East Coast operates. For starters, I forgot that in urban areas ocean views are paved and privatized, totally obscured by high rise condos blocking the view of anyone who can’t afford the rent or the $20+ parking fee. If that’s not you, fuhgetaboutit!
We arrived at the state park by 11:30 am and after sitting in line for 20 minutes, were told the parking lot was already full. We left and by the time we arrived in Virginia Beach I discovered that every parking space was too far from the water for our three-legged dog. So much for that.
Big Sam saved the day. The food and ambiance lived up to it’s Yelp reviews. We sat outside with Wyatt, had great drinks, tasty grub and got a kick out of watching the hordes of sweaty tourists stand in line for jet ski rentals located next door.

Satiated and happy, we left Big Sam’s and drove to our next destination, the terminus of U.S. Highway 60, located just a few blocks away.

I envisioned myself stopping the car to capture a photo of us next to some large bronze landmark, a statue, anything that celebrated the 2,670-mile transcontinental blue highway.
Good thing traffic was moving slow or I might have missed it. With no curbside parking to be found, I couldn’t even get out and gawk.

It just goes to show you that the real fun is not located at the destination itself, but in the journey that gets you there.