I have a thoughtful post drafted about what we are experiencing as we head north after determining our options for full-time RV travel in the COVID-19 world. But Honestly, I. Am. Tired. The two days since we have left FOY, have been the longest driving days I’ve done in a very long time. Not that I’ve driven anywhere for the past few months, but this has been a long haul, and we have at least one more day to go.

You see, nothing at all would surprise me right now. So we are doing our best to cross the state line before borders get shut down. There have already been rumors about highway patrol enforcing “essential travel” and the National Guard being called out to enforce shelter in place rules. Thankfully, so far I see no evidence of those being anything but rumors. But as I said, nothing would surprise me with what is going on right now.

So, after weighing our various options about where to go – considering who knows what might happen once we get there, or on the way there – we’ve taken close friends up on their offer for us to visit. It’s perfect really, an ideal little compound in an idealistic location, near a decent sized city – but not too close. Sure, I could tell you. But then we may have to guard the gate more securely as word got out.

Sure, I jest. But did I mention? Nothing will surprise me in the coming months. And there is no telling what the future may bring. only one thing is certain. As I just heard Fearvana Author Akshay say, “We will come out the other side of this.” I agree with him, we have no idea what the world may look like when we do, but we will get through this. One way or another.

In the meantime, I have one more long day to drive before we see our friends – so we can quarantine ourselves for a couple weeks. And then rejoice, for our health and friendship during these difficult times…or, regroup and face whatever the future holds.
to be continued…
Good luck and good health.