The pandemic reality has finally arrived inside the Fountain of Youth bubble. No more social gatherings. No more swimming. It’s time to go. Quickly.

The FOY campground is still allowing campers, but all of the pools and recreation rooms are closed. Canadians have fled. And spring breakers came and went, presumably when they saw that nothing but the laundry room is open. It’s a ghost town.
I’ve got a lot to say about the last two weeks, but I’ll save it for my longer blog post. For now, it’s become clear to us, and thousands of other full-time RVers out there, that our freewheeling lifestyle can come back to bite us in the ass during a pandemic lockdown situation. Because when authorities are calling on people to “stay home” but our home is wherever we park it, finding a landing pad gets complicated.
Many RVers have nowhere to hunker down. Tons of public parks are closed and small towns don’t want strangers coming into their communities. There is talk of the BLM clamping down on dispersed camping. People are panicking.
Thankfully, Jim and I have incredibly generous friends who invited us to stay on their remote Oregon property for the foreseeable future. And it has full-hookups. We didn’t even have to ask, and are very lucky and grateful for that offer. In a time like this, our independent streak seems so unimportant. We all need each other, now more than ever.

California lockdown laws are getting tough, and I can’t even say goodbye to my family in Los Angeles. That breaks my heart and I’m getting teary-eyed just thinking about it. My parents are 86 years old and not in the best health, but they have two of my sisters looking out for them.
So tomorrow we’ll head up Interstate 5, and wave to my family from afar. We hope that we don’t run into any hassles with authorities, because explaining our situation will get tricky.
Officer: “Why are you going north? You have Texas plates. Why aren’t you going home to Texas?”
Us: “Well officer, you see, we don’t really live in Texas.”
In all our years on the road, this is going to be the most interesting three-day drive. I’ll keep you posted, if you promise to wash your hands and stay healthy.
I am so glad you found a safe place to ride out this mess!
Be safe.
I’m glad for our decision to buy a house, especially now.
Our son has grounded us and confined us to home unless we go to Dr.
He is delivering food to our porch with no contact since he is still working with the public.
Our daughter in law is even cooking us dinner tonight. It so good to have family around us for support. I really miss my granddaughter.
Thanks Patti. You are so lucky to have your son and daughter in law to look after you! Stay healthy and wash yer hands. We will all get through this!
Safe travels! I’m glad you guys will have someplace permanent and remote to stay for the duration!
Really appreciate your positivity Maya, thanks. Hey we will be in the same state now! Take care.
I am so happy you have a safe haven to land in! I was really starting to worry about you guys. Many blessings on your friend’s heads 🙂 Have a safe and uneventful trip!
xo from the OP
CR you are so sweet, it’s nice to be the subject of someone’s worry. We are good. Talk to you soon. xoxo
Glad you have a friend with a spot for you in these times. There are downsides to every choice in life, and full-timing has found its biggest snag in this pandemic. Washington state parks are closing today and most private parks have already closed to new visitors. So get through that trek to Oregon, hunker down and stay safe.
Me too Sandra! And I agree, this is THE biggest drawback to full-timing that none of us ever imagined. The upside is that now I have a lot of things to write about when it comes to this matter. Jim and I appreciate your warm wishes, thank you so much. Stay healthy!
So happy y’all have some place to land! My husband will probably pass you in his long haul truck on the way. He hauls food up and down I-5. He has seen lots of out of state license plates this past week. I must say this crisis has made me pause and have second thoughts about our fulltime RVing retirement plans. We are still 2 years out so we have some time. Stay safe, Jim & Rene!
Thanks Terri. Tell your husband he is our hero! I hope he’s headed to Eugene grocery stores, we will be there in 3 days and would love to be able to get some food. And I can’t blame you for wondering about your full-timing plans. Don’t write anything off just yet. See how this unfolds, you just don’t know. I still think full-timing is a good thing overall, even in a situation like this. But talk to me in a few months! Stay safe and healthy to you and your hubby as well.
I was wondering what was happening at FOY. Now I’m kinda glad we aren’t working there this year. Has anyone there gotten sick? We have been on the road since January and still have another month and half before we can go to our summer gig in Oregon -assuming we still can. Safe travels to you, thanks for the update.
Katie & Jason, RVLife ReVved UP
Jason & Katie, yeah the FOY workers are still here, but honestly they still seem pretty content, I talk to a few of them. Nobody’s gotten sick as far as we know. Congrats to you for getting on the road! What an exciting time to say the least. I really hope your summer job happens. Keep us posted, and stay healthy!
Keeping you guys in my thoughts. Scary time right now, just totally overwhelming. Glad you have a place to crash. Stay safe and healthy❤
Jackie and Huckleberry
Thanks Jackie. We are staying strong and optimistic. You too OK? Keep washing those hands!
Glad you have a place to hunker down. Don’t worry about the officer, it probably won’t happen, but just tell him you were planning to move to Oregon from Texas before the pandemic, were taking your time, stopping at FOY and planning to visit your parents in LA. Then the pandemic struck and now you are heading to your new home in Oregon. He doesn’t even need to know you are full-time RVers, that is unnecessary information.
It is the truth, sort of, in our RV world.
Worry less, enjoy more. You will be fine.
Travel safe and hugs
Thanks for the tip Larry, you are so right. Less is more right now! Stay healthy and keep in touch.
I will keep you in my thoughts, stay safe my friends.
Your Canadian friend
Thanks Gord! Bet you’re glad you stayed home this year eh? Keep healthy my friend.