Few places in this world are as much of a throwback as Vickers Ranch. As chief wringer washer wrangler for the summer, I’m happy to oblige.
Happy to Be the Wringer Washer Workamper
If you stay in one of their hand-built log cabins, you know the bed linens were washed just as they were 75 years ago. With a top of the line, old school wringer washing machine.
I’m sure some workampers would cringe at the thought of washing linens like this. So would my mother. But I like that old wringer washer. It’s not a “set it and forget it” kind of appliance. It must be babysat, gently loved and protected. After all, you can’t just go buy replacement parts down at Home Cheapo. Years ago when the previous washer went kaput, one of the Vickers drove five hours to Denver to get a replacement.
After the wash, linens get line dried in the afternoon sun for a fresh mountain scent not found in any bottle of fabric softener.

It’s simple work, but a lot more tiring than sitting on my butt in front of the computer. There is, however, something gratifying about seeing that clothesline full of bright, white sheets blowing in the wind.
I remember my grandma using one in Wisconsin. It was a beast.
Oh how neat Patti! The first time I ever saw one was here at the ranch.
My mother had a wringer washer. We lived with her for awhile and I had to use it. It is more work while you are doing the actual wash but I believe you get done faster. And, of course, since this was in Yuma AZ there was no need for a clothes dryer!
I’d agree Elva, the wash is sooo much faster when you run it through one of those contraptions. We could do at least 4 cabins worth of sheets before 10 am, get them line dried and back on the shelf by 1. What a great memory for you!