After racking up more than 1,242 miles in five days – with a quick detour to Los Algadones, Mexico – to get from our four-month stay at FOY to Kerrvile, Texas, all of a sudden the Live Work Dream Galleries are filling up quickly once again.

First stop: boondocking at Quechan Casino with the other cheapskates – for half price, thanks to me parlaying our free Player’s Club credit into six bucks! Big spender, I know.

A two minute drive in the morning put us at the border crossing, where we worked for a bit before crossing over.

Upon exiting our trailer, we noticed a familiar looking rig parked right in front of us. A quick call confirmed our friend was already in Mexico, Dutch Mark. Yeah, he’s Dutch.

We hadn’t seen him since meeting him at the Slabs two years ago, he was in Los Algadones, and he parked right in front of us! What are the chances?

Rene will tell you all about our Mexico dentist experience soon. I’ll leave that story for her and just say, sure it’s cheap, and you get what you pay for.

The street markets were filled with plenty of your typical colorful Mexican products, and even more stereotypical not so colorful Canadians and other white RVer tourist types. Overheard of one getting his shoes shined: “So, what’s yer Mexican name?” Sigh…

I appreciated all the other sights, and sounds, and hard work that went in to some beautiful creations.

Even those that were beautiful, in their own special way.

I do, however, totally respect and adore the Mexican culture, artwork and architecture.

Compared to the sight at the American entry point.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for security. But there is clearly no national emergency down there. Though you would think there is the way we were treated upon re-entry by the rather rude border agents.

Do yourself a favor, and head back early to avoid the wait. The lines were apparently short when we got back, and it took us 30+ minutes to cross. Have your passport ready, and don’t try to use the machine that says to scan it. (Going to Mexico is no problem, breeze right through that border with no wait and no checkpoint.)

We didn’t see any guard dogs on duty when we crossed. If we did, Rene might have been bitten when trying to hug it – or shouted at even louder than when the agent yelled at her to approach. So here she is smiling pretty with our own guard dog…

That was at the first of a few free boondocking along our way to Texas – a pleasant reprieve from the hustle and bustle of traffic and our long resort stay. Maybe next Friday I’ll share some of those photos. Check out all our RVing galleries now if you can’t wait!