To most of us, the concept of “fear” evokes images of weakness. But what if you could turn that idea on its head, to embrace fear and grow the life you really want? A concept called “Fearvana” can show you how.
Embrace Fear to Grow a Better Life
You may have guessed by now that living a life with routines and predictable circumstances is not our thing. Full-time RVing suits us because there’s never a shortage of situations that force us to think on my feet and reach outside my comfort zone. Sometimes, however, I need an extra kick in the butt to get through the tough times. This is why I’ve become a huge fan of “Fearvana.”
Two weeks ago while out on a long run, one of my favorite podcasts had an intriguing new episode. It was called “How to Use Suffering to Your Advantage as a Runner.” It sounded crazy! How could suffering be advantageous? Lured in by the title, I downloaded the interview with Akshay Nanavanti and learned about his personal growth strategy he calls Fearvana:
Fear and Nirvana (bliss) are seemingly contradictory ideas. But they are actually very complementary. Fear is an access point to bliss and ultimately enlightenment itself. It is the bliss that results from engaging our fears to pursue our own worthy struggle. Without struggle there is not growth . . . so find, live, and love your worthy struggle. ~ Akshay Nanavati
Until that day, I felt that fear was an obstacle to be avoided at all costs. But welcomed? Never! But I listened to what he had to say, and it started making sense.

I call it a worthy struggle, because the road will be hard. It will involve challenge, struggle, and sometimes intense suffering. But that is not a bad thing. Adversity is one of our greatest gifts and a necessary access point to reach the next stage of our personal evolution.
He’s right. I’m training for the marathon and some mornings I could think of five thousand other things I’d rather be doing than beating up my body on a gravel road. But what helps me stick to my training plan is knowing that I’m more fit now than I was ten years ago. The struggle has tangible results, and I feel better because of it.
Know Your Worthy Struggle and Tackle It!
Life has no shortage of worthy struggles to endure. In our situation, whether that means running 26.2 miles or dealing with another crazy roadside emergency, if we stay in alignment with the principles of Fearvana, we can continue carving out a life that makes us happy for as long as we live.
Never stop chasing fear, or you’ll spend your whole life running from it.
I encourage you to check out the Fearvana website and sign up for Akshay’s newsletter. You’ll get his free e-book “The Ultimate Guide to Health, Wealth and Happiness.” Unlike most free e-books, this one has substance. It’s an interesting read filled with a ton of thought-provoking tips to inspire you. Akshay also has a well-received book on Amazon called “FEARVANA: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear into Health, Wealth and Happiness.” The book is so good that His Holiness himself, the Dalai Lama, wrote the forward. So if this book is good enough for him to put his name on it, well it’s bound to do amazing things for you.
I haven’t ordered the Fearvana book yet because I’m trying to clear off the ones on my night table. But I do plan on reading it soon. Meanwhile, if you give it a read, let me know what you think.
Not too far off topic: I know y’all practice laugh yoga. I wonder if you know a trucker laugh yoga enthusiast named Dick? He participates in a daily call @ 8 am of laughter. I was just on the phone with my trucker husband, Roger, who was having breakfast with Dick. Dick had to say goodbye since he was leading the laugh yoga phonecall this morning.
Hey Terri. No we’ve never met him, we are usually on the evening U.S. call. I love that a trucker is doing LY, that’s so awesome!
It’s never to late to take up rock climbing, rappelling, sky diving or BASE jumping. Then you can face you fears and have fun doing it.
Ok Larry that is a BIG way to face fears! Since I’ve always been terrified of sky diving, I may add that to my list some day. Whether or not I end up seeing it as “fun” remains to be seen. I’ll keep you posted.