Where Not to Park Your RV in Humboldt County California

It’s always fun to journey back to Northern California’s Humboldt County to see friends but it sure puts a dent in our budget. Not only does it take a lot of extra fuel to visit this remote coastal location but there are limited options for staying there in a decent RV park.

Full-hookup RV parks in Humboldt are expensive and range from $35 to $45 a night. When we were trying to find somewhere affordable to stay in Eureka or Arcata, we first consulted our Passport America Guide, our go-to handbook for cheap RV parks.

Our old standby, Redneck Acres (sorry, Redwood Acres) is now a Passport America and Escapees Member park. Thankfully we could combine both discounts and ended up paying $30 a night, the cheapest RV park rate in the county. Still, that’s pretty steep for a parking spot on a gravel lot with 10 feet between us and the next guy.

The second cheapest option in Eureka is the Samoa Boat Ramp County Park Campground.

At $20 a night we were tempted to stay there, until we looked around. And saw the only hookup was a water spigot.

The scenery just wasn’t that tempting.

And when we saw the spot-on scary Yelp Reviews we got out as fast as possible..

So it was back to Redneck Acres. At $30 a night, it was the best deal in town. Good thing the excellent company of our old friends made up for that crazy rate!


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