Merry Christmas to all of our fellow road tripping friends far and wide. We hope your celebration was just how you envisioned it to be. Wyatt sure had fun!

Jim and I really missed all of the traditions of my familia’s annual Mexican Christmas lunacy in L.A.. But, dinner with our Escapees family here in Livingston was nice.
Where else can we sit at a table full of strangers and leave knowing that we all share one thing in common; a love for adventure and travel? This time around, there was need for Jim and I to explain our lifestyle to anyone. Every SKP, whether young or really old, gets it.
Next week we’ll head to Texas A&M where we hope the big-brained veterinarian specialists will tell us that Wyatt’s butt lump is all better and we can get on with life. We hope the antibiotic therapy he’s on is working, but if he needs more treatment, at least we can give him the drugs on the road.
Then, our rig will be pointed west to Quartzsite, where we hope to hook up with our new full-timer friends Carol and Dennis. This fun couple made our too-long stay at Livingston wortwhile. These two young ‘uns started full-timing 14 years ago at about the age Jim and I are now, and haven’t looked back since. Carol and Dennis are active SKPs, and were kind enough to introduce Jim and I to other boomer SKPs who are active in the club. We hope to meet up with them during the annual Escapees Happy Hour.

Until next time, Merry Christmas to our road-tripping, wanderlust loving, shiftless drifting hobo friends, and our stick-house bound stationary family as well. We love you!
Hey Rene…..sounds like we might be meeting pretty darn soon. We’ll be at QZ with the boomers. Our new friends Pam and Steve will be hosting happy hour.
Hope Wyatt is doing better….see ya in QZ… travels, Ingrid