Liard Hot Springs Video Tour, Time to Reflect and Relax

Liard Hot Springs is a mandatory stop for anyone taking a trip along the Alcan. Yes, it’s now been more than six months since we stopped on our whirlwind tour up the Alaska Highway to Willow for the winter. I’ve been so buried in work since we got here, that video production for personal purposes has not exactly taken precedence over paying gigs. But footage in that certain folder kept nagging me. I mean, this is why we do what we do, right?

Even a rainy day is beautiful at Liard Hot Springs

I was a guest on podcast interview just yesterday. The host asked me about the biggest challenges we’ve encountered working on the road for the past 17+ years. That didn’t take me much thought to answer. It’s the life/work balance that makes this lifestyle so challenging. I mean, we get to enjoy these beautiful places and amazing adventures. Yet, we have to work so hard to make it all possible.

After the interview, I thought about all the things on my growing to do list. Then I thought about how much I could really go for a good soak about now. Normally that’s a daily occurrence for us this time of year. But winter in Alaska is by no means normal. To do tasks kept nagging me…

All work and no play makes Jim a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jim a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jim a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jim a dull boy.

Then, I realized it was my week for the Live Work Dream Blog. I thought about sharing all the things I miss so much by living in Alaska. Someday before we leave. I will, but that will take more time. Because that list has been growing a lot lately. And soaking in the hot tub ranks pretty high. So I dug up that footage, and dove in. 😉 See what I did there. Dive in…

Soaking it all in at Liard Hot Springs.

First, I realized we really didn’t say much about Liard Hot Springs in the videos we shot while we were there. Also I found we had some fun footage from the road trip there and after we left. Spoiler alert: Watch through to the end for one seriously cute baby bison, and a buffalo fight. But, that’s bovid to be specific.

Baby Bison Love

Next, I got to thinking about those content creators out there cramming commentary into all their video tours. Granted, most have more glorious footage than I’ve ever shot. But their thumbnails scream about the six things you must see, or how number three will blow your mind. And most of the beautiful shots have a headshot filling the frame telling your what to watch for.

Liard Hot Springs Unplugged

Sometimes you just gotta skip all the commentary and simply take a break to relax and enjoy the beauty, soaking in the world around you. Especially after driving more than a thousand miles, with at least another thousand to go.

“Just look at this place.”..”

Enjoy this quick tour of our trip to Liard Hot Springs along the Alcan in British Columbia on our way to Willow, Alaska. Complete with baby bison and a Bovid battle. This is a mandatory stop on the Alaska Highway. As Rene Says:

“You have to…look at this place.”

So, without further ado…enjoy this unadulterated and long overdue Liard Hot Springs video tour.

No Fuss Just Us

As you see, we didn’t have much to say. And that’s because I believe a trip to Liard Hot Springs speaks for itself. Oh, and I wasn’t about to take the time to add any voice-over. You’ll find plenty of videos with precise directions to Liard Hot Springs, and detailed descriptions about what you’ll find there. But where’s the fun in that?

Just look at the beauty here.

For the record, it is Liard Hot Springs, not Laird Hot Springs. In fact, technically, the attraction is Liard River Hot Springs Park. This is just one of many amazing destinations in the British Columbia Provincial Parks system. And, this was our second visit.

8 thoughts on “Liard Hot Springs Video Tour, Time to Reflect and Relax”

  1. Great post! Liard Hot Springs was my favorite stop on the way to Alaska. I could have easily spent a week there. Your video brings back memories – including all those bison. I remember being surprised at how many there were in Canada.

  2. You two are VERY adorable. We are not however familiar with those blades that go back and forth across your windshield as you are driving and filming? Wazzup with that?!?!?


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