Now that we don’t have a big ol’ RV with a mobile satellite internet system on the roof, getting online while RVing to Alaska is not going to be easy. But we think we found a way to make it happen in areas with iffy coverage.
How we are getting online RVing to Alaska
To sum up the video, no we are NOT getting Starlink. Instead, we switched our cellular provider to AT&T, which has the widest reach in the North Country. Jim also got us a weBoost Drive Reach Overland signal booster to help us on the Alaska Highway.
Honestly we don’t know how well the device will actually work for us. It gets great reviews, so we hope to leave the same input after using it for a while. We’ll keep you posted.
What was I thinking?!
As you can see, this isn’t the usual Friday Five photo shares that Jim usually puts together. He hasn’t had time to do that in a while and the same is true for me when it comes to blogging here.
Everything in our life is pretty upside down right now as we prepare for our launch date on August 5. In-between running our business, prepping the rig, packing our stuff, getting medical and household minutia in order, being ambassadors for Four Wheel Campers (more on that soon!), getting our rental ready to rent, seeing friends and family, and now, caring for an emerging medical issue with our Nellie, life has been chaotic, stressful, and crazy.

Getting ready for this adventure has been harder, more complicated, and more expensive than I ever imagined. Now more than ever I often ask myself
Why the heck are we doing this? What was I thinking when I said I wanted us to be LESS comfortable?
yours truly
As the saying goes, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
We just came back from Alaska. Most places had NO cell service. The only way to communicate was starlink
Glad you got to go to AK Jerry! I think connectivity really depends on your carrier. We have ATT and are sitting here at an incredible backcountry campsite in the Yukon as I write this. I realize that’s not Alaska, but according to our Ak friends, ATT has vastly more coverage than others up there. We shall see!
What’s up with sweet Nellie??😪 She is such a sweetie. I hope it isn’t too serious. Jack tore up his knee in Alaska in 2018. Vet recommended waiting to get home for surgery since recovery on the road would be rough. We carried him in and out the rest of the trip with pain pills to help. Then I tore my rotator cuff so we both had surgery when we got home. And I had a huge stye too! Lots of fun….lots of recovery at the end of that trip.
I hope yours goes better!!