Get Back to the Basics in the Project M

Rene has mentioned that getting back to the basics is one of the main reasons we chose the Project M for our next big adventure. What does she mean? Well, we’re talking about getting back to the basics of actual camping. It’s also a way to get back to our backpacking roots. Rene sees a lot of rigs in her writing research. Basically, she sees them all. She compared lightweight, affordable campers when looking for something to suit our needs. Her conclusion? Four Wheel Campers provide the ability to get out there – way out there – in relative comfort. And plenty of ease. Apparently we’re not alone in our thinking. Owen and Mak from Bound for Nowhere feel the same way.

back to the basics
Mak and Owen chat with Rene at Four Wheel Campers.

They should know, they’ve been minimalist nomads for years. And, they’ve traveled the country in rigs much smaller than we’d ever consider. However, it was their Project M Camper Review video that helped us fall in love with the Project M truck topper camper. And it was their “coincidental” appearance when we were touring the Four Wheel Campers showroom that proved to us we were on the right path with our thinking. There are no coincidences. So I took the opportunity to put them on the spot.

How Owen and Mak Get Back to the Basics

We were quite surprised indeed when Owen and Mak showed up when they did. It was a sign that the Project M was right for us. They were probably just as surprised when I pulled out my camera. Okay, it’s an iPhone. We don’t have all the fancy gear they do. But they are visual media artists. They create some crazy custom illustration and pretty wild video productions. And, I am only digressing once again. Yet once we talked, I realize we have even more in common. We’re all content creators and digital nomads. Also, it turns out we’re big fans of Four Wheel Campers for the same reasons.

It was really fun to take it back to the basics.

— Mak @BoundForNowhere

But wait, there’s more similarities…We are making a major downshift into our new Project M. As a result, we’re selling our Arctic Fox fifth wheel. At the same time, Owen and Mak will be building out their new Hawk from Four Wheel Campers. As a result, they are also have their first Hawk Flatbed for sale. So, brilliant minds think alike!

Going back to the basics and reliving that kind of experience made us fall back in love with the road again.

— Owen @BoundForNowhere

Stay tuned as I catch up with more videos as we get started with the build out of our new Project M. That’s in between managing the Tripawds community, flipping our rental, and taking on a new major project I can’t wait to tell you about. Personally, I can’t wait to get back to the basics again, in a big way.

back to the basics

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Electric guitar riff with a Tom Anderson guitar by mr_guitarra at

Music sample licensed under the Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 License.

3 thoughts on “Get Back to the Basics in the Project M”

  1. As the current President of the Frances McDormand Forlorn Society I have to ask – why all the downsizing? What’s next, a bucket, roller skates and a shower curtain? I enjoy the parade of videos, photos and adventure themed missives from afar, but a camper on a truck? Why not a camper top on a Fiat 500 if it’s time to sincerely scale back? But it always comes down to the same thing doesn’t it, are you happy and fulfilled? If yes, then go ahead and shrink away. I suspect one day I’ll take a peeky at your site and read the following: “After 20 years of minimizing our lives we’ve elected to reduce our footprint on Earth to 12 atoms each, we have yet to pick which but we feel it’s time to do our part for the planet.” I’d like to know how this is going to work? No latrine? Limited plumbing? Heat? Cooking? I won’t even ask about personal space and Jim’s collection of classic Russian novels??? I look forward to your follow up articles. All the best you downsizers. Eric


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