We are finally getting close to to completing our long overdue major overhaul here at the mobile Live Work Dream HQ. We’ve now put 225,550+ miles on the truck. We’ve been in our current rig for seven years now. And yet, I am not talking about any major overhaul for either.

April Fools! Oh wait, It’s only January.
What Major Overhaul?
We published our first blog post on this Live Work Dream blog in March, 2007. Yeah, that long ago. We’ve only updated the site a few times since then. It was Early 2012 when we first published our remote income e-book, Income Anywhere! And over the past decade, we’ve released only a couple updated editions.
Now, we are excited to announce the new and improved liveworkdream.com coming soon. And, we are almost done with the complete major overhaul of Income Anywhere!
We’ve completely overhauled this updated fourth edition, to include more tips for how to hit the road. We expanded the section on workamping. And we’ve researched hundreds of remote employment websites, side gig apps, blogging income tips, and many other valuable resources for supporting your nomadic lifestyle.
What does this mean for you?
We appreciate you reading our blog. Thank you! And, we’re very grateful for everyone who has purchased our e-book. Rest assured that this new addition is a vast improvement with many more helpful resources. Anybody who bought the book after Thanksgiving, 2021 is eligible to receive a free copy of the updated edition. Just send us your order number or email used to purchase after the new edition is available.
Advance Review Copies Available
For everybody else reading this, we invite you to request a Free Advance Review Copy of Income Anywhere! Receiving reader reviews upon the publication date will help rank our new book higher in Amazon searches. Are you willing and able to submit a review on Amazon when we publish the new edition? We are aiming for a launch date in mid February. Submit this request form if you agree to post an Amazon review. A limited number of e-books will be sent to select readers who agree submit their review. Instructions will be sent a couple weeks prior to launch date, providing ample time to review the new edition.
AND: From all of those who send us a link to their review, we will select five lucky reviewers to receive a free copy of our e-book, Be More Dog: Learning to Live in the Now.
Request Advance Review Copy
Live Work Dream Shutting Down
No, we’re not shutting down this blog. 😉 But we will be placing it in maintenance mode while we work under the hood on our major overhaul of the site. Soon, you may not be able to access our blog, gallery, videos, and workamping tips for up to a week. If you are not already a Live Work Dream subscriber, subscribe here now to be notified upon launch of the new site – and the new edition of Income Anywhere!
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Please stand by…
Yay on the overhaul(s), and looking forward to the new look.