Everyone has a movement story, even if you’re not an athlete. The other day while out on a run listening to one of my favorite podcasts, I got to thinking about mine.
Movement Was My Enemy, Until Now
Being pigeon toed and near sighted as a kid was not conducive to sports.
I convinced myself I was too klutzy to do anything physical. And until my 20s, I hated anything to do with working out. Sweat? Eeew. Not me.

But being “midlife” had an impact I never saw coming. The pounds packed on my 5’3″ frame, and the medical ramifications of high blood pressure, stress and food sensitivities became clear.
I had to do something.

My pursuit of running was an easy choice to get on the path to better health. It requires the least amount of gear for a compact lifestyle like ours. We can do it anywhere, which leaves little room for excuses when motivation is low.
Nearly two years after deciding to get serious about it, I’m in the best health of my life. I lost 20 pounds. Even better, I’ve discovered that working up a sweat and challenging my body has benefits beyond a smaller clothing size.

More movement has given me confidence. It challenges my mind and fills me with an optimism that anything really IS possible. I never knew it could be so much fun. This is only the beginning.
What’s YOUR movement story?
Movement is so critical to aging well. If you’re not moving as much as you’d like, why not? And if your movement is helping you be a healthier human being, what are you doing to create that reality? I would love to hear more.
In the meantime be sure to check out the podcast and book that inspired today’s post, “KELLY MCGONIGAL WANTS YOU TO FALL IN LOVE WITH MOVEMENT.”