One of the best workamping jobs we’ve enjoyed a few times over the years, isn’t technically a workamping job. Though I’m sure that might be arranged with the fine proprietors at Pie-O-Neer Pies, who often find themselves in need of good help.

While we have offered to help out whenever we find ourselves passing through anywhere near Pie Town, New Mexico, we have always made ourselves at home boondocking for free across the street.

Working For Pie in Pie Town
We leave the pie-making to the experts, and are usually recruited to help clean up a busy day at the Pie Bar. And I’m okay with that, considering we work for pie credit.

All pie, all the time.
Pie-O-Neer Pies serves pie, that’s all they serve. The self-serve Pie Bar is open Thursday through Saturday, but you better hurry up if you want some pie this year.

The Pie-O-Neer closes for the season after the Thanksgiving pie rush, and won’t open again until Pie Day. Or, Pi Day–that’s 3.14 for the non-mathematically inclined.
But back to the Pie…seriously, this is the best pie in the nation. We like pie. And after traveling all over the country for more than eleven years now, I can honestly say, the best pie in America is found at this little old roadhouse in Pie Town. That’s why we keep coming back, again and again, ever since our first visit in 2008 when we first met the Pie Lady of Pie Town.

We don’t just come for the pie, and you shouldn’t either. Well, I mean you should come for the pie. Did I mention it is the best, pie, ever? But you’ll find something more at the Pie-O-Neer. Much more. It’s the people.
Way off the beaten track, on this remote strip of Pieway 60, in this authentic old roadhouse, you will meet some of the most genuine people, from all over the world, from all walks of life, who all have one thing in common: love of pie. That, or they heard about this gem of small town America from one of the many Pie Town documentaries and books featuring Kathy’s story, and the best pie in the nation.

All this could be yours!
Kathy Knapp has been making pie in Pie Town for something like 42 years. Okay, maybe more like 25, since she and her mom bought the shuttered building with the sign on the door that read, “There’s no Pie in Pie Town.”

Well, there’s plenty of pie now. And plenty of customers, who keep coming. And more who will want to come, again and again. But 25 years is a long time to be making pie. She doesn’t show it one bit when you see her joy and exuberance while greeting every single patron who enters Pie-O-Neer pies, but a little birdie told me the Pie Lady of Pie Town may just be ready to pass on the rolling pin.
“You’re sitting on a gold mine here,” I said when I heard the news and immediately put on my small business marketing hat. Should Kathy and Stanley ever decide to get serious about retiring, they have something much more than a rural roadside restaurant for sale. They have an American Icon, with a strong backstory, large following, great website, and huge potential.

Have your pie, and eat it too!
Do you dream of pie? Would you love to own your own specialty cafe on one of the better known Americana backroads in a sleepy little town not far from a major interstate highway? I suggest you contact Kathy and Stanley. If you’re serious, and you like the idea of baking beautiful pies and meeting even more beautiful people all day, then I suggest you do it soon.
Rene had a similar crazy idea one day back in 2007 when she suggested we sell our growing graphics business. Within six months, we were on the road in our new truck and fifth wheel trailer to explore the country with Jerry. One of our most memorable stops on that first trip around the country was Pie-O-Neer Pies. I look forward to our next visit, and if there is any way I can help these fine folks hand over the pie tins–if that is indeed their plans–I will do my best to help find someone just as passionate about keeping the magic in Pie Town.

Oops! Did I just let another cat out of the proverbial pie bag?
I love this post! Now I want some pie…