I’ve come to realize I watch movies much more differently now.
No, I’m not talking about illegal downloads, Netflix, mobile internet bandwidth, or data-caps. I mean I actually view them differently.

After roaming the country for more than ten years now, I find myself paying very close attention to cinematography and scenery. Specifically, I watch for any filming locations I may recognize. Often I will pause and rewind scenes just to confirm, or argue my point. Rene hates that.
While streaming Westworld on Amazon Prime, identifying Monument Valley in Utah was easy.

During city scenes, I will watch to see if I can identify the skyline.

Recently we were watching Hell or High Water after hearing from Ray Wylie Hubbard that a certain scene features his classic “Dust of the Chase” on the soundtrack. Excellent Movie!

I was paying attention to every small Texas town in that movie, thinking I may recognize some place we’ve been like Bastrop, Hereford, Littlefield, or Tulia*.
“I’m lost in the dust of the chase that my life brings
Ray Wylie Hubbard
Loco Gringo’s Lament
Delerium Tremolos
Hell Or Highwater Motion Picture Soundtrack
*Apparently I never wrote that Tulia book review I meant to long ago. 😕
Any scene with a long, lonely highway will have me on the edge of my seat.

We’ve just started catching up on another season of Longmire, and I have yet to spot any Wyoming settings that look familiar.

This came as no surprise once I realized the show is shot on location in New Mexico. Though that fact did.

Speaking of New Mexico, spotting the Very Large Array near Socorro was simple – since I had seen the movie Contact first.

Am I the only one? Any other full-time RVers out there find themselves watching the screen a little closer after being on the road so long? What movie locations have you seen in your travels?
Home of the 50’s cowboy movie industry.
Lone Pine Ca.
You’ll feel your eyes twinkle
What’s really cool about Longmire is that it’s filmed in New Mexico but it really does look like Wyoming! Except that you never recognize anything. Their location scouts really nailed it. I actually looked up where it was filmed during the first season specifically because I didn’t recognize anything.
Nancy and I do the same thing when watching movies, it’s cool having been to so many places and then to recognize them in a movie. Of course, unfortunately, we also recognize places on the news when storms and bad things happen, Happy Thanksgiving to you guys, HUGS
Paul and I are newbies and so I am soaking up everything with open mind and open eyes, and this post was a really cool one. I WILL watch differently, although I have to admit, I have traveled a lot and I sometimes aggravate Paul with the ole “Stop! Look, I’ve been there” thing too….lolol
🙂 Thanks for reading!
We are New Mexico residents and Longmire fans. The sheriff’s office is on the plaza in Las Vegas, New Mexico. Many scenes in the earlier episodes were shot inside the historic Plaza Hotel. It’s fun to visit Las Vegas and take a selfie outside the door leading upstairs to the Absaroka County sheriff’s office. A sound stage in Santa Fe is the setting for many indoor scenes. Las Vegas and surrounding areas are worth a visit if you haven’t been there.
We love Las Vegas! Has some fantastic enchiladas there long ago…
We aren’t full timers yet but my husband has lived many places and is now a long haul truck driver. He has always stopped and rewound shows to pick out familiar scenery. I’m with Rene, I hate it too.
I just saw Hell or High Water. I’ll have to see it again with fresh eyes. I used to live in Austin many years ago & still have family in the Cental Texas. Have you see Phenomenon with John Travolta? That was filmed in our current hometown, Auburn, CA.
Cool, thanks or the comment. I have had a drink or two in that bar in downtown Auburn!