Before we got our 27′ Arctic Fox fifth wheel, I could honestly say that our previous 24′ rig was small. Now, we have just the right amount of space but I still obsess over what we carry. We never haul more than a shoebox full of seasonal or bric-a-brac crap, but here’s one unnecessary thing that can brighten your day when you need it most: a homemade hummingbird feeder!

My full-timing friend Tracy introduced me to this neat DIY hummingbird feeder for RVers and tiny house dwellers. When I saw hers I knew I had to have one. Tracy was kind enough to make this for me while she and her hubby Sam were visiting us in Colorado. I meant to post it during summer but forgot. Doh! Meanwhile . . .

Since hummingbirds are migrating to the tropics right now, odds are you won’t see them until they return in Spring. But if you make your DIY hummingbird feeder now at least you’ll be prepared for their return!
- Plastic 1 Oz Spice Jar
- Wire that bends but holds its shape
- Round nose, flat nose and needle nose pliers and a flush wire cutter.

How to make your feeder:
- Cut 8†of wire to wrap around jar and make an ‘L’ shaped hook.
- Starting approximately 2†from end of the wire use flat nose pliers to shape a loop that fits tightly around the jar. Fold this 1†of wire around itself. Now the wire is secured on the jar.
- Staying as close as possible to the jar and using the flat and needle nose pliers bend the wire to make a 90-degree angle away from the jar.
- From your previous bend measure 1/2†and bend wire vertically.
- Starting at the end of the wire make a loop with the round nose pliers.
- Cut a second piece of wire at least 7†long.
- Using round nose pliers make a small hook at one end of the wire. (This will hold the feeder)
- Make a large loop on the other end. (Use this large loop to hang feeder from a suction cup or tree.)
- Using a small drill bit put a few holes in the lid of the spice jar.4

Some things to remember about your DIY hummingbird feeder:
- Use 1 part sugar (never use honey!) to 4 parts water for the feeder formula. Refrigerate leftovers.
- Don’t let it sit out overnight: you’ll attract bears.
- Change the formula daily in hot weather, every 2 or 3 days in cooler times.
- Make several feeders to attract more hummingbirds and avoid territory fights.
Please explain how the bird can access the sugar water. Based on the project description, it seems that the drilled lid holes are not large enough for the bird to reach its beak to reach to the level of the liquid in the jar. Good luck on your travels!
They could access it pretty well, you just have to keep the jar full. But honestly since we wrote this post we discovered that putting a feeder so close to a window is not a good idea. Birds tend to crash into windows that way, so we don’t keep these around anymore.
Thanks for this post! I wanted to make a small feeder for my home to test if there were hungry hummingbirds around. Do you know what the plastic suction hook on the RV in your picture above is called? It extends quite a ways off the window and I wanted to get one just like it.
You’re so welcome! I’m not sure what the hangar is called but I know it came from an Ace Hardware. One thing I learned since creating this post is that it’s smart to get some static cling window decals specifically made to let birds know there’s a solid surface ahead. That way they won’t crash into your window but can still enjoy the nectar. Good luck!
What a sweet idea! Love the tiny size too! Will be saving those spice jars as they’re emptied and then will make several feeders! I’m thinking maybe some decorative copper wire with interesting bends etc to add to the feeders. Another idea that you didn’t mention, but I’m sure you already know… Those hummers don’t need the food coloring in their diets and they’ll still come to the feeders regardless! Thanks for the great ideas!
Loyda, glad you like it and thank you for the reminder about food coloring. Isn’t it crazy we used to add it? Duh! I forgot to mention that so thank you. Meanwhile, check out this photo I didn’t include. Tracy made this fancy hummingbird spice jar feeder then attached it to a tall wire that was stuck in a planter. Adorable isn’t it?