Sometimes location independent entrepreneurs like us tend to get too wrapped up in how to make a living on the road. Travel bloggers often spend too much time striving to get the perfect photos of attractions and food, or fine tuning their search engine optimization. Others simply work too hard at sharing their full-time RVing lifestyle tips, that the most important thing is often forgotten.
We forget to slow down and enjoy the ride!

I’ll be the first too admit, that over the past 8+ years of publishing this blog, I have created my own share of stress for myself by optimizing photos, researching affiliate links, and honestly, caring what other people think. So here’s what I think…

Once in a while we just need to briefly recap our recent adventures, with lots of photos! So, while I plan to write in much more detail about some of this stuff, for now, enjoy a few of my favorite moments from the past month or so on the road.
Recent Road Trip Pics
If it wasn’t for me speaking at BlogPaws and our get-together with Tripawds fans in Virginia, we may never have crammed our recent East Coast road trip into one month. We never would have visited Lebanon, Indiana, that’s for sure. But we may never have enjoyed a number of these unexpected surprises either…

That’s what I like most about our lifestyle, stumbling upon the unexpected treasures this country has to offer. Especially when it comes to food, and quirky attractions.
We were hungry, heading to Nashville from Virginia, and took a brief detour to discover how quaint downtown Roanoake, VA is after finding another of America’s best culinary secrets, Thelma’s Chicken and Waffles—with 4 stars & 1 dollar sign, that’s our kinda joint!

While on the subject of food, another epicurean delight was Pearl’s New Orleans Oyster House in Memphis, TN. Eating one’s way across the South is difficult for vegetarians. I never thought I’d say it, but one can only eat so much fried catfish.

Memphis had it’s share of highlights! I’m not sure which I enjoyed more…

the live music on Beale Street, or the architecture…

or sheer history of greatness.

Speaking of Greatness, of course there is Graceland.

FYI for the cheapskates: If you’re not an Elvis fanatic, skip the tour. Go early, park across the street and visit the meditation garden and pay tribute to the King for free.

Honestly though, I spent more time admiring the grave of Isaac Hayes at Memorial Park cemetery.

Seriously, a memorial Shaft would be proud of, and any taphophile could enjoy!

We must have spent more time roaming around cemeteries on this trip, than we did visiting the popular tourist attractions. But we did find quite a few interesting markers
The most somber and humbling of all attractions, however, had to be our short visit to the Loraine Motel.

Room 306 to be specific.

Now the National Civil Rights Museum, at the location of Martin Luther King’s shooting.

And honestly, this only begins to scratch the surface of just one month on the road. We may just need to do another short wrap-up…
More of the same?
So, I can’t help myself. What do you think? Would you rather see more post like this, more in depth reviews, or more RVing tips and how-tos? Leave a comment and let us know!
You did a great job on the traveling. Now if you can find a way to mix it up but keep it balanced you’ll have a winning combination.
Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.
Very informative. for me! Memphis on our radar!