Last night a ranch guest asked me “Are you still gypsying around?” I said “Of course. Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Need I say more?

Working the dream life for 17+ years.
Last night a ranch guest asked me “Are you still gypsying around?” I said “Of course. Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Need I say more?
Aloha Rene and Jimbo!
Well, well, partisans, I gather you’re very much up to your rolling ways, or rather still acting as “wheel-estate” agents? Good for you. My wife and I recently sold our house, we bought a smaller one in the same hood however, let’s just say it’s so small we’re speaking in shorter sentences (Rene, no animals were injured in the telling of that joke as an FYI). So let’s talk about the “Internet” for just a moment.
In pre-Web days if a person had something nasty or ignorant to say there were few mediums where personal bombast was welcome. In this day and age it’s the inverse, every fece-throwing monkey with an itch to scratch has platform from which to shower the public with their droppings. In years past people who did this were to be avoided or at least stepped around, unless you had to work with them? In that scenario you just developed the skill set of managing the howler monkey with a chip on their hairy shoulder when in your company.
I’ve been enjoying this blog for years Why? Because there is always something to learn and freshly discover and no fece throwing. We certainly travel but have yet to enjoy the rolling bliss of an RV or 5th wheel, those days await for sure, but back to the eager http://WWW….
It’s just a tool and because it’s a tool it welcomes everyone, especially tools.
Ever read the comments sections of either the New York Times or LA Times? Some folks are especially clever and offer insightful reading. But then there are others who spit and stomp and red-face, it begs the question, “why do newspapers publish article comments to begin with?”. In my ill considered opinion a comments section for given articles reduces a newspaper’s much needed agenda to vaudevillian levels, where dancing bears and elixirs and tonics widen our eyes but with empty promises and short-lived amusements.
Jeeze, look at my posting on your blog, it’s become a fece-throwing rant in of itself?
Yikes, the Web is sticky, very sticky, maybe too sticky, time to say I’ll visit you both when you slabify come November.
All the best you two and much aloha – Enrico.
Enrico we were just talking about you, wishing that we had the written and verbal talents like you do to tell it like it is. Why the hell aren’t you in the business of writing? You need to be. Please, be that voice on the web that sane people need!
I try my best to avoid the comments on major publications’ websites, on Facebook, you name it. It’s far too depressing.
Congrats on the new digs. We think of you guys often and hope to see you when we’re LA-ified in winter. xoxo
Hi Rene
Good to see you are doing well. We are leaving for the west Nov 1st this year which is two months earlier than any time before. Hope to cross paths again.
Enjoy falling off the wagon.
Hey Gord! It’s great to hear from you. Yay for hitting the road sooner. We will be at the Slabs earlier too, November-ish, then going back in January. Let’s meet up!