Don’t call it a Burger Feed!
In addition to the Gold Hill Steak Fry on Wednesday nights, guests at Vickers Ranch are treated to more great times with good friends and free food at the Friday night Burger Feed Guest Appreciation Dinner.
The Vickers have been generously serving dinner to guests and homeowners at the ranch every Friday night, each summer, for longer than anyone can remember.

You’ll find the best burger in town, all the fixins, and some of the best homemade ranch beans you’ve ever tasted. You’ll also usually have plenty of yummy desserts to choose from. Just bring your favorite refreshing beverage of choice, your appetite and a smile.
Oh, and be sure to brush up on your Amazing Grace. You’ll only need to know the first and last verses, but you will be expected to sing along if you want to eat. If you play piano, even better! Singing grace before dinner has been a tradition since Perk Vickers and Emma Jean started it some time in the sixties, or maybe it was the forties.
As workampers, we helped prepare for the feast and clean up. But we always had plenty of good help flipping burgers for folks. And fun folks they are!
If you want your buns toasted, we’re happy to oblige. Cheese, no cheese? No problem! If your burger is a bit overdone, however, please don’t complain.
Remember, it’s all about the people here…
Better yet, pitch in to help, and you can cook your own burger, to perfection! (Highly recommended if you prefer a veggie burger.) If you’re lucky, we’ll let you clean the bean pan!
Besides, y’all gotta remember…
It don’t get no better than this.
Don’t miss Part 1 in this series about the Gold Hill Cookout!