This morning I awoke to a gnarly rain and wind storm. The lights flickered all morning, but nothing went out. Meanwhile all across the county, power lines were dropping like flies.
One of the perks about living here is that despite our wild winter weather in Humboldt, the power always stays on in our building. What makes us special? Well, we are on the same power grid as the Eureka Police and Fire Departments, located just a few blocks away. Rest assured, the power will never go out in this neighborhood.
Not once in 4 years of being in this location has it ever gone out, even during California’s infamous summer long rolling blackouts. Once on New Year’s eve we had a really bad storm. Power was out almost everywhere in Eureka but here. Guess who had the raging New Year’s Party?
So, with a brand new roof in place, we’re hunkering down all safe and sound. Bring it on!
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