To the uninitiated, a little pie cafe for sale in New Mexico appears as a blip on the map, nestled at the crossroads of Nowhere and Somewhere. But, what they don’t realize is that this is Pie-O-Neer Cafe we are talking about. And it resides smack dab in the center of the galaxy. Today, some lucky entrepreneur can buy the Pie-O-Neer Cafe, and live their celestial dreams of pie making heaven.
Since our first visit in 2008, the Pie-O-Neer has whipped up the finest homemade pie we’ve ever tasted.
From the get-go, we could see that the regular jumble of eclectic locals, fussy foodies, hungry hikers, and weary road trippers gathered inside the dining room all agree on one thing: the Pie-O-Neer bakes up an explosion of flavors, friendship, and fun into every slice.
And now, this little cafe is primed for a new proprietor to take the helm of the Southwest’s most beloved one-stop pie shop.
This Pie Cafe for Sale in New Mexico is More Than a Business Opportunity. It’s a Way of Life
Looking back on our many visits to the Pie-O-Neer, I see that we’ve blogged about it a dozen times. Like when the Pie Lady of Pie Town Met Jerry, our beloved Chief Fun Officer:
“It’s funny, really.” The Pie Lady stared into her coffee cup, now nearly empty. “My mom used to give me a hard time whenever I’d bring home any boys she didn’t approve of…with her eyebrow raised up like this, she’d say, ‘You don’t have to bring home every three-legged dog you find!’ And, here you are, Jerry.” She reached down to caress his velvety ears.” — from our travels with Jerry – in Be More Dog: Learning to Live in the Now.
And then there was the time that we were Pie-O-Neer helpers for the day, paid in the best currency on the planet: Pie, of course!

We love this place. Owners Kathy and Stanley are great people who have run the ultimate Great American Small Business for nearly 30 years. That’s a long time and that’s no easy feat in a town that’s two hours from anywhere. But they’ve set it up for success and not even the pandemic could squash the magic that they created with every slice.
People from around the world visit Pie Town in search of the ultimate slice of pie, and they never failed to receive it. So now, it’s with great honor that Kathy and Stanley asked us to help them market their little pie cafe for sale in New Mexico.
More Than Any Old Pie Cafe for Sale in New Mexico

Here’s what we cooked up over on the Pie-O-Neer website:
The historic Pie-0-Neer Cafe in Pie Town is much more than just a pie shop for sale in New Mexico. This iconic institution is an opportunity to create your own universe, your way. Discover the possibilities below. Or get in touch now with any questions before this once in a lifetime chance slips away.
Admittedly, the thought crossed my mind that Jim and I should jump in and buy their business. I wondered if maybe that’s why we found it all those years ago. But then I came back down to earth. After giving it much thought, I seriously doubt there’s much of a demand for a gluten-free patissier like me in Pie Town. Let’s face it. Gluten-free baked goods suck!
So, to all my gluten-loving gourmet foodie friends out there, I really envy you. And I think you need to check out this incredible opportunity to buy the Pie-O-Neer Cafe for Sale in New Mexico, before your chance to own a slice of the universe gets gobbled up by someone else!

Great story! It’s been way too long since we’ve been through there. I may have to go this weekend. Wanna merry me there?
It’s always a merry time at the Pie-O-Neer! 😉 Sadly, we won’t be making that trek again anytime soon.