Drumroll please…The New RVE Podcast Host is: yours truly. Wait, what is this RVE Podcast?
The RV Entrepreneur is the podcast and community for digital nomads, remote workers, and all entrepreneurs loving the RV Life. Technically speaking, it is now The RV LIFE Entrepreneur. We’re still working on how to rebrand this without confusing existing podcast listeners and search algorithms. But let me back up, just a bit.
Rene has been working with the fine folks at RV LIFE for years. RV LIFE is a sweet suite of tools and network of blogs and forums serving every niche of the RV market. Motorhomes, trailers, vans – you name it. If you can think of any RVing style or interest, RV LIFE delivers engaging content and community. In addition, the RV LIFE Pro tools include apps for anything from planing your trip to maintaining your rig, finding campgrounds, and more. Oh, and there is also the RV LIFE Podcast. Rene and I recently had the honor of being guests on the episode titled, The Art of Pushing Boundaries: Lessons from 16 Years of RV Life.
What is The RV Entrepreneur?
But I digress. Enter, The RV Entrepreneur. The RVE website, summit, and podcast have been supporting working age RVers for more than a decade. When RV LIFE acquired The RV Entrepreneur, that site came along with The RVE podcast. Shortly thereafter, long-time host Joshua Sheehan announced his retirement from the show. Josh is now focusing content creation efforts on Gander Flight and his new RV Gear and Far channel. All cool stuff! But that left RV Life short one host for The RV Entrepreneur. That brings us up to date, and to his last episode: RVE #298 – Farewell & Hello! Joshua’s Last Episode and an Introduction to Jim Nelson.
Who is the New RVE podcast Host?
As I mentioned, I am now the new RVE podcast host. Listen to the episode above to hear how I got here. I’m joining a team of excellent interviewers and storytellers. Together with Rose and Kimberly, I hope to carry the big torch I’ve been handed forward into the next era for The RV LIFE Entrepreneur. And, I’ve got some pretty big shoes to fill. Or, tire tracks to follow. Many thanks to Joshua for making the transition smooth for all of us, and his huge vote of confidence.

Speaking of confidence…when Patrick and Andy at RV LIFE first approached me to be the new RVE podcast host, I was honored, excited, and extremely nervous. All at once. Sure, I’ve co-hosted Tripawd Talk Radio with Rene for 10+ years, but she runs the show. I’m much more of the producer. In addition, I’ve been a guest on dozens of shows. However, I find it easy to tell our story. Sharing the stories of other nomadic entrepreneurs, and doing it in an engaging and entertaining manner, is my next big challenge. Based on my interview with Joshua, and the first few episodes I’ve recorded, I am confident that this will be fun. And, that I will do my best.
More Than Just the New RVE Podcast Host
My very first RVE podcast episode drops tomorrow. This is also episode #300 of The RV Entrepreneur podcast! So, this is a big deal. For me, for RV LIFE, and for RVE listeners. If we all have our way, this will be a big deal for the entire RV Entrepreneur Community. Why? Because I’m not only the new RVE podcast host. I’ve also been tasked with updating the website, managing the Facebook group, and setting some direction for the next RV Entrepreneur Summit. That is, if there will be one. That’s where you come in. Yes, you can help shape the future of The RV Entrepreneur Summit and other RV LIFE community events.
What RV Entrepreneur Summit?
Are you’re working from the road? Do you wonder how we do it? Or, are you curious about the RV life of other entrepreneurs? Please take a moment to complete The RV LIFE Entrepreneur Summit Survey. We’re currently evaluating the feasibility for our next summit, or roundtable, or whatever shape the next conference takes. Fill out the form to give us your feedback. Answer all questions for the chance to receive a $50 Amazon gift card. But don’t do it for the bucks. Do it for the benefit of RV Entrepreneurs everywhere!
Then, stay tuned for future episodes of The RV Entrepreneur, with new RVE podcast host, yours truly.
Congratulations Jim on your new venture! I was listening last week and was surprised to hear you were the new host! I have been listening to the RV Entrepreneur podcast since it’s beginning. I look forward to hearing your first episode tomorrow.
Cool, thanks!