Mangler Wrangler Workamper Duties

We’re short-timers here at the ranch now. With just three work days left for me, and one for Jim, the clock is slowly ticking. We’ll miss this place.

Vickers Dude Ranch Private Resort Lake City Colorado
Can you see why we miss this place when we aren’t here?

A Day in the Life of a Mangler Wrangler

My workday morning starts out like this. First, I get the wash going. Most mornings there’s a stack of sheets, towels and various things from the four rental cabins that need washing.

While the wash is agitating in the wringer washer, I stand out back and watch the horses leave for the trail.


Then I put on my ten-gallon Mangler Wrangler hat to tackle pillowcases that need ironing. One of the things I’ll miss most is doing it on the creaky Ironwrite “Mangler” commercial iron machine.

We only iron pillowcases with this contraption. But in the old days, well-to-do women in faraway places who could afford one for their home, used it for everything.

Check out this goofy old timey video featuring “Mary, a very important housewife.” It’s a crazy half-hour long, so unless you’re really bored, you’ll get the picture right away.

There’s a strange satisfaction in looking at the smooth, sharp angles of a stack of freshly ironed pillowcases. But I’m so glad that I didn’t live in the era of Mary the Important Housewife!

I’m also glad that we’re hitting the road later this week. 

4 thoughts on “Mangler Wrangler Workamper Duties”

  1. Hey Rene,,,
    Glad to see you and Jim were back in Lake City this year. I’ve been working a farm here in S.W. Missouri. Love, Love, Love your articles and I miss seeing you and Jim.. Enjoy where ever y’all end up this year and hopefully, we’ll cross paths again.


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