The Wild Animals of Lake City, Colorado

Who needs to go RVing to Alaska when you’ve got the wild animals of Lake City, Colorado at your door step?

This bear video was taken by our friends Tom and Barb McLaughlin. One evening around 5:30 they were surprised to see her swimming right in front of their Vickers Ranch cabin.

Unlike last year’s severe summer drought, the San Juan Mountains got too much snow over winter. There is still so much precipitation, that everyone assumed the bears would be happy staying away from town. But apparently this one thinks coming down the mountain and snooping around cabins is more fun.

Then of course there’s the moose. We are seeing more now that moose have been re-introduced to the local mountains.  I saw this cow grazing at Lake San Cristobal one morning. She could care less about the picture-taking gawkers like me.

Lake City Colorado Moose
“Whatcha looking at, eh?”

And oh! Another wild animal roams the ranch every day, raising a ruckus at every opportunity. His name is Wyatt Ray, aka the Wild Boy. Yep, he’s ours.

Wild Dog on Vickers Ranch
“Hey, I might be wild but I’m damn good looking aren’t I?’

If you’ve ever considered a visit to Southwestern Colorado, we highly recommend the Lake City area. The scenery is as gorgeous as Alaska and the Yukon, and it’s a lot easier to get to.

Lake Fork Gunnison River Colorado
Right now, we would rather be here than anywhere else.

See why we keep coming back?


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